Show time with its unmeasured tread has brought us around until we aie on the verge of another christmas only one week more and the day of all days oi the year will dawn upon us joy and gladness to the hearts of millions of children the musical notes of happy children as they greet their doting parents with merry christmas will ring within the walls of tho palace the mansion and the humble cot tage and mingle with tho mirthful laughter of exultant children the joy of the gleeful throngs of the little ones as they gather round the family christmas tree will carry the minds of parents back to abo happy hours of their childhood when such scenes was enacted they being the anu it would indeed to hieak in upon such a scene and turn their jo to grief by some un forseen calamity such a picture could be reproduced b the fogt skilled ar then why not oh e fites leie them io enjoyment the cares of after beir will soon be upon them and spare them while their happiness is 0 o while christmas Christ mis brings with it sun baine and gladness for tho millions w ith presents of all lind ard galui dinners costly ind r ch in fl ivor all select eddna of makine the anniversary of the cintr of kins the and happiest daj of all the car it with it al 0 aadnes sad nes and orro dominy hearts were full of mn th one acir ago the cold and unflinching hand of deith bis torn from man happy homes a fond and loving husland stealthily has be entered and tore from the mothers boom her babe or older bemben of tl e bamily even in our little park city we can ew deaths pathway flooded with the tears of and frenda at the of will be many vacant chairs and memory a it carrier the mind back to a beir ago ill cgue the wounded heart to bleed afresh with grief and longing for the dep dead no conever coth no pleasures however great cm heal the wounded spirit the for that which it can never receive until that final day when we shall all pass to that blissful borne there is still another sad picture to our coming festivities which is ane ob jcck main ly of this article and that is the poor of the different neighborhoods in which the RECORD circulates there are plenty of opportunities open to leale children happy on christmas if look around vs a little many homes could be made happa if we would unload a little of our in i of the in life some havo been afflicted with sickness or have met with accidents which leaver them unprepared for the coming holidays and the cost to us all who have been in the battles of life would be nothing as compared to chappine 3 and pleasures upon the poor our happiness would be more complete if we beio concion conc iou of the fact i acre mads happ by our let ais sarno to maka others happy if wo would bo happy ourselves A manchester MANCH ESTEB firn mers henry and leith slater have invented i pro for manufacturing blinked the blanket i billed the charnaw and it la claimed that on is as fully as beneath the woolen 1 he new article 13 made of piper 90 as to be free aroi and bricking cricking king between chich is a laer ot wadding wad dinc chemically prepared jhc edges are strongly str onely while the woolen blanket in is cl amed to hi wanner while it is audi lighter the are made at a coat and eold for a small sum A genius out wants a naw term for the thing called an elevator flo baas the word is a misnomer or a as the machine takes ui u i down as veil as up he thinks it when a man is at the top of a five building to aik a ik liim if he will go dorn dor n in thal elevator elev A now coined |