Show SANTA whenever the fiend apts beitin at own efam i nr conclusion conc luion hat ho ins not state hile old ainu was with win stealthily to lile nd an nse ot u and holiday boods old sinta ill when he dis coien that the 0 o hive tran to Otten heiner a store in pirk uit and othora will al he uran ed to ruch wonderful display of too notions notions in th taft room is a long table doll carpa larpa ani to the lafr as ou inter A counter hilled with all man nei pt ane oo in store mth plenty of mon aarl in knitt it it ole itin it would the tt lils lock and clinos it tov alif n were liken to 1 home we ennitt not but hed 11 fi f 1 i glnn i 1 d in lie hoe di pi iv of vec fit aimi fenili and al the ly raf rl ami di lus in alia and no tion we fan 1 almost thine lie livatt could wish i w chiy loi anlie and hats ini Turid und hinr lipi fi li hl b weir all these and min more nian at tiiu tive the eves thal a api fetor rom R om nead d in tin n yond are biked in earv ind orn prof ahn baill buill nr still IP in tho b the erection of a liepe apu store however in ain mi and mrs hir liann aided ly their ile ilk ivill tike areat plex iro in howind vou around and up wint it H vall a moments of ike ilok over tin unni enio tok ot atod |