Show TUB generality of men have haft plants latent properties which chance baags to light EDISON is malonff malin ff arrangements to electric light into loncoa and houses children in washington arc not yet admitted to the public schools se schools being provided for them IT K tho sunlight bioni the human heart that renders true happiness hap pines it is lind words and pleasant deeds that male tho world bright and glorious WESTERN turkey has again been se arely visited w ith a plague of locusts in the of komi tho government collected and destroyed 1620 tons of young locusts A pastor declined an addition of to his salary for the others that fihs ihs hai dest labors had been he collection of his salary yand it would lill him to try to collect more are rumors that seem to hie a substantial basi tint the ion de clino in amencia prominence on tl e ocein is about to termini to iccie arc two projects underway fr stalling lines of sheimei i euh oft thich involves A ic in ocean and the of our flag to its foi mer coition poi tion in the marine each is in the hands of and rc men iab unlimited capital at their command and each to intro uce new features th it M surpass if not supersede supercede super cede all tho present stile of ono line vill build its mast and will uso of such i that it is expected that the trip aiom boston to liverpool will be made in di tha other la to be composed of entirely first class con expending to the pullman palace car on neither steerage noi freight and furnished with power three times as great as our steamers now employ so that pas conr era emberlin em barLin hera on bionday may land at milford haven in wales and be in london before saturday speed and safety are what the travel public demand and our vall be gratified if these can be seemed by skill and enterprise ARTHURS jg been pretty aeu digested by the american people by this time and various are the kopini ona formed upon it tho principal fault and that mostly among newspaper men and baj few of thoe to be I 1 found with it is that his Eicel loncy did not define his policy arthar his ippen and is now a republican and always will be perhaps and it makes but little din brenco whether he begones belones to either the one 01 the other of the arty of his meag o much can be I 1 said in giaise of it the only complaint coming from those who have violated our laws and wherein he recommend i legislation upon matters pertaining to the welfare of the country that has heretofore received but little attention atthe hands of his up on questions thit touches tender of the office ind others who have submitted on the public treasury lor taco many ears doe the ines babp and its recommendations fall the heaviest hissett His iett upon mil service meets the approval app rovil oaths breit of tho people as he hsiu at wd in a manner that ins thorough of its practices and IDS ho sunsets sup sets remedies that aio not entirely new to tha people and hive from time to time been very ably ditcu cd by eminent ind the president bivs thit that there are inana b aides an a model civil ediee reform giomi nent mon them are industry good bood habits rood temper cordei tact self reliance manly def su prior and manly con ider with tibits lie strongly str onely recommends competitive examination for offices under alie government and in cheso reco w 11 be ed by the and honest politicians abo mormon question his attention and ha urges congress to act upon the axed question of session and enact laws by which may bo made to understand that thalah against roy must be obeyed in utah as well as in any other portion of tho continent he wants a law enacted by which a woman maince to a man charged with bigamy she may be qualified as a witness against him for the offense uhe president assures congress of his determined burpoe to co operate with chemin any lawful and discreet measures which may be proposed to this end bo far as a literary production is concerned it is a masterly ecart and his tor evils now the diff bent bis to aid in out what bo has suggested te convince tho alenin people that sa u abet a tary au IA |