Show WILL SHELL IN in wing a will for oil at sarma opposite port huron mich tho other da the drill era struck at a depth of COO f ct the gas was lighted when a brilliant flame shot up thirty feet into abo an and has been burning ever since all efforts to extinguish it proving unavailing the location ii only a chort distance aiom detroit and it 11 thought a pipe line can be laid to that city and the as used to all ahrea of the places ahr contents of the anaide ot the earth are many and varied oil brine and pas and it would seem that the constant flow fluids will in time cause a sort of meide the earth that may result in a rash when that time cornea people will realize haps how they have knocked the pi opa out from under h it doe it groht a miu if ho extracts millions of barrels of salt oil and gas and looses his own i |