Show CARD OF THANKS To the people of ot Coalville I would like to express my appreciation for the wonderful way you treated me and for the wonderful care I received while I was hospitalized To the tho people all the staff at the hospital the 11 Uw law w enforcement officers I am I truly grateful L j. j I 11 I God d bless blest you TOU Mr and Mrs Harry McDonald McDonald Mc- Mc Donald Jr 1602 N N. N St Omaha Nell Neb c 35 A HERES HERE'S THE HOTTEST NEW CAR FRANCHISE ANYWHERE i- i OPPORTUNITY TO BE YOUR n COALVILLE'S DEALER FOR PLYMOUTH DESOTO VALIANT SALES RISING Youre You're just in time to cash in on the tremendous interest and soaring sales that have been generated in the 1960 automobile market markot VALIANT for example is selling as fast as it can bo be delivered PLYMOUTH and DE SOTO sales are up from 1959 for the first 4 selling months In fact this year th the three makes may well sell more cars than any other ther sin single l group ro p of cars available under one franchise because of the new poli policy y of a limited number of dealers tt h CAR 2 F FAMILIES Al Many VALIANT buyers keep their present car and add VALIANT They're after aCter that low low cost cost economy of up to 30 q milea miles per gallon on regular gasoline W With th 20 of all famili families now in this thi car 2 bracket and surveys showing 50 will be car 2 owners by 1970 the time to act is ia now I NATIONAL ADVERTISING You'll YonH have such TV stars as Steve Allen to help you sell tho product t. t And Anc such national magazines as LIFE TIME LOOK SATURDAY EVENING NING POST and LADIES S HOME JOURNAL Plus outstanding promotion in newspapers newspapers' and andon on the air PARTS SERVICE You'll be o backed by a full parta supply system together with a complete factory authorized training service for your yourt your technicians t If you are the person pOriOn firm finn or corpo corporation to quality for this prized highly franchise you are truly gett getting a golden profit opportunity Dont Don't delay I ACT RIGHT NOW I Phone wire or write today to Richard C. C Freed FREED MOTOR COMPANY Intermountain Distributor Dealer 47 4 South 2nd East Salt Lake Lako City Utah F 1 4 Phone Empire 32 3 2771 3 I f p 4 t it J W WANT ANT DS DS ADS SAVE SAVI ON MEAT B us ii U for tot locker meat cut io to your four our sp spec spec- CI We do custom taught slaught slaughtering sting ering in ia a ft licensed and Inspected ed plant Kama KAmu Valley Meat Pack Pack- ore oa Phone Kamas 2372 or 2346 2316 l tc NEED 10 to acres t- t with hay bar hayand 1 I and pasture tensed fenced 1 tor for sheep beep with or without home buy bur or orlease orlease I lease or need Med to run rull 60 ewes this summer F F. D. D Eggett Woods Woods' Cross AX 6 4 6 3 12 1 WANT TO BUY used need 14 or toot foot Deep Freeze Sterling Williams Prea leoa phone 2 13 nc I FOR SALE Crawler SALE Crawler T Tractor Tractor- r a c i r I Oliver Trac Cle-Trac Model DOS Hydraulic Dozer bozer I ozer very ry good con ditton Carl ns phone 2623 14 1420 I HELP WANTED Women WANTED Women steady employment 40 hour week Apply Apply Ap Ap- ply 11 Drown Brown Equipment Co 14 20 FOR SALE SALE H 14 boat motor and trailer Call or eee at Walt Wrights Wright's 15 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO WATER ATER USERS Notice ia Is hereby hereby- given that William T T. MacKay 2072 Westminster West West- minster Salt Lake City Utah has filed CIted with the State Engineer Application No which proposes proposes proposes pro pro- poses to appropriate of ot water to be bo diverted from East Bast Fork of Dear Door Oliver Trio to Dear Bear RIver Diver Into the tho Milliard East Bast Fork Ditch at a a. point N N. N ft tt and W W. 1310 ft ft from SE BE Cor Sec Sea 16 16 In Summit County Utah The Tho water will be conveyed through said ditch 1 miles thence and conveyed con cone by ditch to a cistern and settling pond from which the water will be pumped through a distribution system and used from June 1 to Oct 31 for the domestic requirements of ot a unit 20 motel dairy queen and service station and for tor the Irrigation of 1 acres all uses US In SE SESE said Sec 16 16 Protests resisting the granting of the foregoing application with reasons must be filed In duplicate with the State Slate Engineer State Capitol Salt Lake City 14 Utah on or or before May 7 1960 WAYNE D. D CRIDDLE State Engineer Published in The Summit County County County Coun Coun- ty Bee Dee Coalville Utah March 24 i March 31 and April 7 7 1060 1960 j I Y I Coming Events At Your Kamas Theatre Kamas Theatre FRIDAY AND SAT SATURDAY April 89 9 Fox Century presents A DOG OF FLANDERS Starring David Ladd Donald Crisp Theodore Bikel Kamas Theatre Theatre- MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY April 1113 13 ITS IT'S A SCREAM With the Accent on Youth I Paramount Pictures presents presents' Clark Gable Carroll Baker Daker LIlli Hill Palmer Lee J J. J Cobb CobbIn In the Seaton production of BUT NOT FOR ME but but definitely for you I Kamas Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 16 15 Joseph E. E Levine presents JACK THE RIPPER Starring Lee Patterson Eddie Byrne Betty Detty McDowall MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY April 20 18 THE LAST ANGRY MAN Starring Paul ul I Muni David Wayne Betsy Belay Pal Palmer Palmier er Claudia McNeil A Columbia Picture Kamas Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 23 22 LIL ABNER With Peter Palmer lalmer Leslie Parrish Technicolor Kamas Kamal Theatre MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY April 2527 27 Jet Jel Pilots Over Korea Kore William Bolden Gra Grace e K Kelly lly Fredrio March Mickey Rooney THE TAE BRIDGES AT TOKO TOKO-RI TOKO RI In Technicolor Kamas Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY April 30 20 THE TEE LEGEND OF TOM DOOLEY Michael London Jo Morrow PLUS SECOND FEATURE FEATURE- The Three Stooges In InHA HA HAVE HAVI V ROCKET WILL WIL TRAVEL b NOTICE TO CREDITORS I Batata tate of ELIZABETH F FI F. F PHILLIPS deceased I Creditors will present pre ent claims claim with vouchers to the undersigned I tat at Coalville Utah on or before the day Of May All AD 1960 Andrew Faddies s I J 1 Administrator of the Estate of or Elizabeth F. F PhI Phillips Deceased ed Backman Dackman Backman DIckman Clark Attorneys for tor Administrator Published hed In the Summit County County Coun ty Dee Bee March 17 11 24 U and 31 and April 7 1960 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received reedy reedy- ed ad by the State Road Commission of ot Utah State Capitol Salt Lake City Utah until 2 o'clock pm p.m. Tuesday A April 26 6 1960 and at that til time p publicly cl opened for con con construction n. n of ot A Graded Drained and Plant Mix Bituminous Surfaced Surfaced Sur faced Road and 5 Structures Over 20 Span In Summit County the same being belne that section of Interstate Highway No 80 From 12 plus Mlles Mlle East of Sliver Silver Creek Junction to 17 plus bales MUes North of Identified as Federal Aid No 80 4 Project No 5 6 HS The length of road to be constructed constructed con con- strutted or 01 Improved proved is Js miles mUes and the principal items of ot work are approximately as follows fol tol lows Iowa Tons of Plant Mix Bituminous Surface Type A 2207 Tons Tone of Bituminous Material Mater Mater- ial tal Cu of Unclassified slued Roadway Excavation Cu of ot Imported Borrow Dorrow and Tons of Portland Ce Ceo ment T Trailed ted Base O Course uHe The I project roJett Is le to be completed ted in 3 days rt of bidders bidden Is I. required Prior to any bidders bidder's i I te receiving plans plane and specifications i it it will wll be bece necessary ury that the bid bid- Ider have hate on file tile with the State It Road ad Commission ot of Utah Completed com tom I 1 and approved the required lr i Stat Statement per pertaining er- er taming to contractors contractor's experience and financial condition The attention of bidders Is II directed directed directed di di- to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract contrad In lit conformity to with Section of the Federal Aid AM Highway Act 01 III 66 11 th the US U.S. l Department of Labor has certified the wage rates ratel for tor this project which are the minimum wages wage to be paid on till this project These rates rate are made madea a part of ot the contract documents The attention of bidders bidders is di dl to the fact tact that this CommIssion Commission Com Corn mission has been advised by the Wage and aDd lour Hour Division US U.S. Department Department De- De I De-I of ot Labor that contractors tors engaged In highway construction construction con con- work are required to meet the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of ot 1938 52 62 Stat 1060 I II I Proposal forms dorms plans cross sections sections sec sec- I tlOna and specifications are on file tile in the office of ot the State Road Commission Salt Lake City where they may be reviewed by prospective bidders Specifications lIons dons proposal al forms and plans may JUay be Obtained at the Commission Commission Commis Commis- Comm sion elon Offices at Salt Lake City upon application and payment of ot ofa ofa ota a fee tee of ot 2000 no part of ot which will be refunded Each bidder must submit a letter from an approved surety company guar to said bidder I with required requited bond bund The tIght right tor tori to reject any or all bids It ii reserved i Cash certified check h k i I cheek check or approved proposal guarantee bond for tor not bot less than five fe per pet tent cent ot of total amo amount nt of or bid made payable td to the State Road Commission must a con comi pan pant each bid as its evidence of ot good faith and a 1 guarantee that if tt awarded the contract the bidder bidder bid der will wilt execute the contract and furnish contract bond as required Any additional Information may mar maybe maybe be secured at the office of ot the State Road Commission slon Dated this 2nd day of ot April It USO 60 STATE no ROAD AD COMMISSION OF UT UTAH AU C. C Taylor Burton Durton Director of Highways Published d in The Summit County County Coun ty De Bee Th Thursday day April 7 Tw Two Summit County Mink Men say MORE AND BETTER MINK with WATKINS MIN VITE Douglas M. M Frazier OR BROOKS STORE Coalville Your Watkins Dealer I At The Crossroads ads x 1 N Y r r rAny Any Anyone one can see that this South Summit home is located at the crossroads But which crossroads If If you can tell from up here you are well oriented Have you ever stopped to think about crossroads ds When you yO reach them you tub tu t either way way vay and your r decision may affect your life i So Spit it is with financial decisions The day you de decide ide i t to shi start SAVING regularly systematically yo you h have ve reach reached d an important crossroad in your your life Th Thereafter Thereafter There There- re- re after you will enjoy a sense of security and well being which more than repays any sacrifices you may make Why not start NOW with a deposit here of AN ANY I Af AMOUNT Then add to it regularly habitually and WATCH IT rf GROW Remember we pay i t J t ort nJ a i r. r L If r f. f j f n INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1 l. l Karnas Kamas State Batik Bank la Kamas as Utah |