Show Drive Drive- Cancer Cance Drive f I Seeks Ira B B. B Sharp Salt Lake busi busl businessman and real estate operator has been named chairman of the 1960 crusade against cancer for forthe the state slate of Utah according to an announcement by Wa Walter I t e r M M. M I Jones president of th the Utah Division Divi Did sion ston American Cancer Society I 5 5 As chairman Mr Sharp will I i head a drive intended to raise I in Utah for the battle against cancer during April 1960 0 the month set aside by t. t and gubernatorial as Cancer Control Month Wr u The The l tl i money ii Y willbe general solicitation with the high highpoint point being a house to house 1 k 1 campaign about the middle of April Sir f 5 Utah is unique in that at the University of Utah Utah State University and Brigham Young University there are primary re rea research re re- a search projects being conducted under ACS ACS' sponsorship h These projects ts r result in Utah receiving about U 4 back for every 1 1 it sends to national headquarters i tens for research The balance of ot the money raised is used for education ed ed- of the general public as asWell aswell aswell well as the medical profession and Son lor service to the cancer victim with less leas than 7 1 per cent r. r being required for fund raising and administrative expenses 11 t |