Show r- r Late Snow Pack Report Shows 60 I Ito to 74 Per Cent Average Moisture I Dy Moroni Marchant Snow survey report Provo PrOTO Weber hear Dear Rivers A Apt April p r II 11 1 1960 t I I IThe The ne snow avow pack ack on the headwaters head head- waters of the Provo PrOTO Weber and I Bear Dear Rivera Rivers averages from 60 to 74 pe per cent of ot normal according to Moroni A A. A March Marcani nt Soil Conservation Con 1 Service At I Measurements just oat completed show snow water content to beabout be beabout about 10 per cent less lesa than last I year according to Mr Marchant with Chalk Creek near Dear Coalville With the poorest average The snow pack is as quite uniform this year with a averages about abort 70 10 per cent at the foot oot elevation elevation eleva eleva- tion lion 60 per cent at and 60 50 per iper cent at 1000 toot loot levels sold said Following are the detailed de tailed measurements Weber River Smith elevation 1600 7 7 1 COO Is 60 per cent of the 15 year average with 22 lathes inches of snow containing 85 incline inched of ot water compared with an average of Inches of ot water for April 1 In 1959 the measurements were inches of water Trail Lake elevation feet is 18 74 per cent of ot normal with Inches of snow containing Inches of water compared with r I lAD average an-average of inces of water r In ln 1 1959 9 this thia course had Inches of water on April 1 1 Redden Mine feet upper is II 71 11 per cent of ot normal with 42 fInches laches of snow containing Inches laches of water compared with an average of ot inches of ot water In la 1969 this course had Inches inches in ches chel of ot water Redden Mine lower feet elevation 41 inches of ot snow now with hi of water 73 per percent per cent normal Chalk Creek No 1 upper feet 66 per cent of ot average aver average f fage age with lathes Inches of snow containing inches ot If f water I 1959 measurement ment was Inches Inches Inches In In- ches of or water April 1 Chalk Creek No 2 middle course feet 61 per cent normal with Inches of oT snow enow containing 99 inches of ot water compared with average of of water 1959 measurement was 15 Inch Inched JI of water Chalk Creek No 3 feet elevation 60 50 0 per cent normal with with- inches of ot snow containing containing con con- taming 3 38 Inches of water compared compared compared com com- pared with average of 76 inches Of water 1959 was 88 inches inthea of water i Provo River Trial Lake above Is Js 74 per percent percent percent cent of long time average Soapstone Soaps tone RS feet elevation elevation elevation ele ele- ele- ele is 64 per cent of normal with 29 inches of snow containing contain contain- ing mg 90 bf water compared with an average of 14 inches hie-hes of water April 1 1 1959 measurements showed Inches of water on April 1 1 Beaver Deaver Creek R. R S. S feet elevation is 49 per cent of normal which is the lowest vest In if th the entire int re area This course has Inches of snow with 46 inches of water i compared with a 15 IS year year fear average average of 93 inches of water and a 1959 water content of ot 68 Upper Bear River Camp feet I elevation is 70 per cent ot of normal with inches of snow containing con con- I 87 inches of water compared com com- compared pared with an average of inches in ches ekes of water There were inches of water here on April 1 1959 I Goodman Ranch feet 66 56 per cent average with 98 inches of snow with 34 inches of water compared with 62 I inches n c h e s 18 of water There were 82 inches of water here in 1959 Trial Lake measurements aregood are aregood aregood good for the e Upper Opper Hayden Fork country According to Lloyd Absher engineer er Coalville run off from the lower elevations has haa occurred much ear earlier ler f ia the season season season sea sea- son than normal for tor this time Ume of year Late season water for tor Agricultural Agri cultural and municipal use will willbe willbe willbe be In la short supply said 1114 Absher particularly in an Ch Chalk Creek |