Show North Summit High Several North Summit students attended the commercial contest for Region Six at Henager's Business Dust Bust ness item College on Monday Their Instructor Mrs Leah S. S Robinson was chairman of the event E. E I L. L Hanson and a a. group of North Summit students par participated lct in a a. regional Visual Audio Aids event at the University of Utah in Salt Lake on Friday The first North Summit baseball baseball base base- ball game J of the season since the game with was post post- due to bad weather will betM be this tM Friday when Wasatch High will wilt me meet t the team on the local diamond The Weber We-ber College will present presenta tet nt nta a special assembly at North Sum Bum summit Summit mit FrIda Friday North Summit is the host hoot at a regional speech and drama festival festival festival festi festi- val being held Thursday today under ulder the direction of ot M M. M T T. T Carmichael Car Car- ar michael It was hard for tor students to tn concentrate on studies 1 Friday with strange looking characters Invading the school T This ils I was the annual misfit day and f donned all nil manner of costumes In Inn n 1 spirit ot of fun tun i 1 excavation J Preliminary excavation and re- re moral moval of trees commenced t tact last re-I re t week on the tho school campus In preparation of the erection of ot an I I addition to the present Coalville Elementary om School Groneman and I Company of ot Provo the contractors contractors tors plan t td to commence construction construction construe tion at an early date Defending the of ot the Braves Draves en on the baseball diamond this year rear are the following members members mem- mem bers hers of the squad as reported by by Coach Jim Dokos Dennis TruJillo Kent Brent Drent D Ball Bail h Steve Jenkins Marivin Mar Mari vin Pact Brent Drent Ovard Tommy Toole D Barney France Eldon Pace Mike Robinson Pat Ovard MichI Michael Michael Mich Mich- ael Patterson Devere Devote Dunn Michaeel Michaeel Mich Mich- I Kent Jorgenson Denny Jenkins Scott Wilde and Kent Smith The first game of the season will be played this Friday when Wasatch visits the Coalville din dla mond |