Show Music Festival I Set for April 12 I IThe The South Summit Stake Musical Musical Musi Must cal Festival This Is My Fathers Father's World to be presented April 12 18 In the South Summit High School auditorium promises to be an outstanding musical treat i It will be presented under the direction of ot the Stake Blake MIA Music Department with Ernest B B. B Terry as director and Edna Fitzgerald as aa organist Each Ward Wart will present two two 1 or three musical numbers representing I the different countries I I I Native costume and dances as aswell aswell aswell well as music of ninny many nations will be featured In the Summit Stake Music Festival to be hel held in the Stake House Houie April 12 at 8 pm p.m. This event is expected to tobe be one of the finest musical attractions of the year and everyone every j I IOne one la is Invited hutted to attend I Various waro ward ot of the stake are preparing specialty numbers under under under un un- j i der their music mUse directors tora Then Boyer Moyer Elda Pace Pate Helen Lee Lee I Beverly Deverly Jacobson Barbara Pace I and Frieda Orgill president ot of Upton Ward The program has hag b been tn planned t under the direction of Stake Activity Counselors Ray nay D Dear ar r. r den and Emma Judd i |