Show Marsac Marsa School J Fi o 1 We are very terr happy to welcome a new Ut girl fn In our bur First Oral Grade Her name to lei Cynthia Geri Gerit Bhe he heI I formerly fY Attended spool school 8 In Gridley California We hope r ho e she will be happy in fn our group I Third Grade The rhe Third Orade Grade room has ft a bator u u bator ator In It The Chick u It u bator batot has baa two eggs in It There la Is a light on the top ot of the in Inside t I to keep it warm all tb the time It takes three weeks for the eggs egga to I hatch hatch The eggs arcs have been in the Chick bator Chick 11 14 1 days In seven days we might have two baby chicks We have an Easter poster at the back of ot the room Matilda Dyer flyer Fourth fouth Grade Mr Evan Bran Smith came to ou our room and showed us ua some flame slides slide of the wino A is a slanting tunnel The slides showed a muckIng muckIng muck muck- Ing machine A mucking machine Is le a huge machine One slide elide showed the men pumping out the I water Others Othera showed other things thing about the We thanked Mr Smith for showing this to us us Merlin Thomas Mitchell One day when we were in school our teacher opened a letter let let- ter sent to the Fourth Grade She read It aloud to us So I 1 answered It It was from Mimi Brumbough She was from Saxton Pennsyl Pennsyl- vanla vl She asked about what our school was and what we did here In Park City for tor a living I told about the mines mince and about the She was very Interested In the wine Connie Malt We made books on Park City two weeks ago They are very Interesting They were about til tila the a awful fire the schools the mines nines and other ther things We took them home and studied them then we had llad a test teat It U was all fun tun I Ginger Bowden Dowden This week we h have ve put up a anew now new border about April It shows two little girls dressed in a raincoat rain raincoat raincoat coat and carrying umbrellas The colors are blue and yellow Vicky Lee Chesnut Turtle o Sick Siek I Last ast week our turtle got sIck eick We gave him hlin ver oil and hamburger l He e still sUll is a little sick but we hope that he gets well soon Linda Workman We Ve had a dramatization on March 25 it was called cal The Card CardBoard CardBoard Board Doard Castle We had the guard which was Dawn Nelson and Jebbie then we had the It was Connie Mair The rho I Prince Irinco was vas Steven Ste Reese Peter Teter ter was Blaine Brewer Drewer I fhe e dragon agon wa was Garry Carry rue Ule King xIng was DiCk jenKins anu and I Ithe the queen was v Linda Workman Readers were Ginger Bowden Cowden Dorothy Cowin Co win and Cathy Dyer Byer We had fun doing it Cathy Dyer flyer |