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Show I Questions of the Feed Lot i j frotstor Htrbtrt W. Humfori lUmo $ CtlUi jf AjrlcjlLtr j Short Talks on Feeding j XHEN Is tho proper tlmo to cut corn to " put into tho silo, and what machinery Is iiecistsiry to do this work? Concerning the stnge of maturity In which to cut corn for the silo, I quote from a bulletin bulle-tin of tho Kansas agricultural college, department de-partment of agricultural education: "Corn should be cut for tho silo when it la fairly well matured; that Is, when the ko-ne'.3 ko-ne'.3 are In what is known as the 'dnueo stage,' all or nearly all of tho kernels being dented. At this tlmo tho lower leaves will be nearly or fjuito dead. The following table, which Woll quotes from the experiments of Professor Ladd. shows tho rapid increase of food materials with tho advancing ago of tho corn; Tiv1M. Silked. MI1W. r.i?. Julr "'J. .W. 9. Ane.21, S-pt. 7. S(fcl.;-3, P.T Xfrr ltn !!. Itw. V. fo Mislit..lN.(V(J .'.,7-l.-, 32. M Jr.'.TVj M Watrln rft.l JI i2,V.'; 1:7.057 IV '.'" r.-.:rli lrj nutter... 1.01'J 4, "77 4.CI.J 7.J'2 7.01H AU K.N.9 2f).n .;'J.l ZH.i Cru-.' uhfT. . Ml. S XTJ'J J,7.".jj l.72.i rn.J? pr..trln. i'y. 47i.1 ou.a o;j. Mtrnffcti fr. ntnil ((Urea. j s'le.tr. mi-.), ;.-.;. 9 i.rjto s 2,4-11. .1 fi-sn 4?7 Crude fot 7J 2 l'7.S lIH.tl Wi.t) UU . While the more maturo plnnt Is slightly less digestible than it Is at an earlier stage of maturity, the gain l. total nutrients more th;n offsets the loss In digestibility. It has been shown also that the loss of nutrients la the silo duo to the Intra-molecular activity of the living plant cells when first placed In the silo Is much greater In Immature than mature ma-ture plants. The later stage of maturity also avoids handling nil unnecessary amount of water In the plant. There Is, however, danger dan-ger In allowing the plant to become too dry. as In that case it is difficult to pack it in the silo tk'ht enough to exclude the air and prevent pre-vent fermentation. The Canada Experimental Farms' Report for lSOfi gives the following determination! of digestible matter in corn of different stagei of growth: lo on ton, Ott cdc lere. TuMellnff 1fc'l2 4..H HllklDC 2IIO ."..'1 Korlj- inllk 2.MI..1 5.371 I ate mlllc II fi.fllj GlazlDg ik-O.J 7.7-4 Tho machinery necessary for the work will be a 6llago cutter with a blower attachment to life the silage and a traction engine to run It This latter Is usually hired from some thresher at so much per day. The corn for the silo Is usually cut with a corn binder and care should be taken not to mako the bundles too large. A long. low. flat r.ick placed upon an ordinary farm wagon which has been first lengthened out to give a full load betwecu. the wheels by laying the corn lengthw ise makes . a convenient outfit for hauling tho corn to tho cutter. Low-wheeled wagons arc sometimes used to good advantage. |