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Show ORPMEUM'S MEW BILL FOR TOMORROW MSGET ' : '' A'-Tv.:-.;' .' - - ' ' ' -v ;.- v ', j, .7 - .--:i-r, '"' u.--j.r'i .- I..'.,. -4 '.. . , 'v y . i Jrr-' ''; - : -f ; ' 1 ' 'MTr'ainiL"-' -: - J- - k ' .. . j. 1 :" :S', r" -f v-- --f-- ri --. ,a; - - ' M r -'.''- L. , - f ROSOW'S MIDGETS, IN THEIR FUNNY BOXING STUNT, AT THE 0RPHEUM NEXT WEEK. One of thei-e big "all star bills" Is promis"'! by Ihe Ogden Orpheum lana lenient for the coming week, arid it looks as thoui.-i the iie- .-how Pinorniw night will be the t.l: of he town when it U put on exhibition. AL JOLSON, who .w season wu the star feature of Lew Dxk.-tad-t'h Minstrels. Is appearing in vaudeville with his Inlmilabb- ehatN-r and long. At t!ie rlos,. of bis on with the big minstrel 01 g.inlzatmn, Mr. 'oNon pl iyeil at tbe l itth Avenue Theatre, New York, an l scored- there vh.it can easily tie pronounced the incs-t mrdMtie suec-ss ever made on liriiadway by a black-face co.uedian. The demands for his services came from ew'ry jhle an It U a matter of congratulation to Orpheum patrons '.hat his h'enlcri wero exclushely secured by Martin P.eck. He Is bound n be liked. It will be pod newv to all who at ended iV Orpheum lat w'-ek to learn hat Mr J C. Nugent will be with us for another week. In a new sketch. Mr. Nugent's Micces-i In O'dcn. in U little playlet to so pronounced lui the tii-mau-etiienl had him 1-M.k. d for another week. His second offering offer-ing w;j be even better than the first as a laugh producer. It H called TV Rounder." an. I h.n a delightful comedy plot, which gives Mr. Nugent nicy opportunities to display his ability a 11 comedian. He Is ably assist-In assist-In thU bttle plavb t bv Miss ''lie York. THE ROSOW MIDGETS ne.-d no int n-ducl ion. :c tlcv are the mt "a-neijR 1 it t lo folk since the days of Oeneral Tom Thumb and hi pretty lfe. Thc Rosso Mldg-'s are know n the world k.t ns the most rernark-ible rernark-ible (Jwarfii on Ihe stave, for while they are tiny In physical makeup. ;hev ar perfectly devf lop. d. strong In mu b and Intclb. ct ial In mind. Their performance con-Uis f idiyslcal cu'tnre everdses and exhibition f ttrentii an, athletics, d.'her with a burb'Kiue Ujxlng match at the md of wri, oxtr.nielv funny. "RENE. THE GODDESS OF MUSIS." has a very fine mnsli al ac t tba' la full of art and much that I beautiful. Her own appearance U tho lubj.-ct of ,nrh fettering comment. S)ie certainly Is charmingly p'.-ity fn her jTKona r.,rM arano and taeful dress. Piano. iost horn cornet, taxaphono ami perhaps gre itcKt of all, thai (-mnllest r.f Instrument the carina, are al) brought Into artistic and brilliant subjection, the result !enc one ,,f ,h ,,rrt,ist ad mo?t melodious musical turns th.it baa cr been lirfiiKntr VAN BROTHERS have a nremi. r net. presenting s musical turn which !s far alrov.. par. On th- Saxaphon., and o'her wind Invtrun.er.U these rentlemen prme ttK-mK.-lves caiiblo f .prMuelng much roo I mu-lc. There U a Ftrons Vrir, of fun running through lh act produced by th smaller Van. whos,. fn,i A "Chinese Tnnney." with hi "Bother Jimmy ,i a rt.le Ifune. The Van.i have an act that will no doubt be appreciated by all Orpheiimltc. OTTO DOBES and JULIETTE BOREL will offer a novel singing and dancln-r number as their contribufn- """!" nrorrnm. Mr. D.b. has a powerful, yet F-Pr, baritone ve co, and Mls Torf ha a fin- t foprano. and lhev wRl heard In si , . e i.n.i l--rs P- " 1 ,!""J art. accomplished dar.ror-s and they mr.ko a feature of a ' Tough" duo fiance, Vrh Ri-ber' nail." which catN for quicK costume chances froui the . le-pnt le-pnt rown and f ashk-nablo afire In which thev first appear. The couple-I couple-I "a the first to do any A pacji. dancing In America, but thcr hiv fu;-er-I eded It wrh a l'r fm. and aro now considered one of Ah- a.'-ft .!- llghtful rronps rf pritertalner.i extant. A new- excellent musical program 111 b civt-n by the Orph'-um or-I or-I rhe.tra nd new nov.ltb- In niotbn, picture from tbe kln'-irotne slll eom-V eom-V P'o-f one of lho tllla of IhcvaudevUlo seaion |