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Show lOiURCH BUILT IN FIVE HOURS CHICAGO. CM.'' S.-lk-aded hy a woman, the members of th .- Christ inn church congregation of Tc lleston, Ind., will try to set a record today in the matter of church building. They ex rec't to erect the building lu five working hours and to worship In tt tomoi row. The Rev. Martha Stout Tremble, minister lu charge of the congregation, congrega-tion, will he on ).md with a band of helpers who are to build the structure. struc-ture. TrompMy at 1 o'clock, the work will start and at ; p. in. it will cease. Then a dinner will lu? served Mem., hers of the Christinn church organiza tion at Gary. Ind.. will ond workers i to help the Tolleston congregation j |