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Show PRODTY TALKS Of THE RATE CASES i Salt Iike City, Sept. C. A. Proiity. one- of (lie members of tbo Interstate Commerce commission, arrived ar-rived In the city Monday ami Is at the S' tnloh. He is accompanied by his son. Ward Proiity, one of Ihe examiners ex-aminers of the commission The visit of the gentlemen at this time Is lo conduct the hearing In the Salt Lake late caes to be begun today In the Federal court, they conducting the government's tide of the case as represented rep-resented by the commission. "We are here for the hearing," remarked re-marked Mr. Prouty Monday evening, "aud wo expect to hear the shippers and railroad men In the matters un-dop un-dop discussion. Tt k anticipated that we will get throiiL-h In time for us to leave for I os Angeles Wednesday to which city we go to hear the citrus cases. There is Hale I can say beyond be-yond what has already been published. publish-ed. As the public is aware congress has passed an amendment to section I of the long and short haul .clause which may have an Important beating upon the Salt Lake and Spokane caies. Hut the commission wished to bear what the shippers and railroads have to say ln regard to the rate sc hedule pi escribed by It recently. The members realized that there may haw been crudities or errors in that schediilo and therefore. In-fore It became be-came effective we wished to give all concern 1 au opportunity of crltlci-. ing the into and pointing out any such Irregularities. The date on which It was to become effective was purposely pur-posely held off until the whole ones-lion ones-lion could" be thoroughly discussed. YVe had hoped that October 1 would see the schedule effective, but now it may not be until November 1, or even as I ite as December 1 'Some of the rates fixed to Salt Luke ior Instance were higher than the coast rates npd would therefore be in direct violation of the amendment amend-ment and It is necessary to detetmlne just how these ytiall be adjusted to meet the successful operation of the new schedule." Mr Prouty was asked what efTeet the Canadian Pacific and the future Cuind Trunk pacific In entering United Unit-ed Slates ports through their Pucet sound bouts wouM have on the general gener-al transcontinental situation and ho replied: "The operation of these Hues will nn;iirallyhavo a very Im-I Im-I octant Inlhteiiee upon transcontinental transcontinent-al t ra (Tic In this country. If a rate Is miole from and to points In tho I'nlted Sta'es via these lines the commission com-mission would presumably have Jurisdiction Juris-diction over the rates, but it could not control them If the shipment originated origin-ated In Canada and was turned over lo a vessel al the Pacific port and for this reason the matter has been re-garded re-garded as so Important that steps have been taken to have a joint com. inisslo,, between the two countries for the purpose of controlling" the trans-continental trans-continental .rjite situation.'" |