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Show SEPTEMBER TERM OF COMT The September term of the Second District court opened this morning, with Judge James A. Howell on the bench, and the calendar was taken up for consideration. The court Is a little behind the schedule, but the Judge stated that he expected lo gain time during the next week. The clerk of the court, Harry Ilale.s i was at his post, after a brief vacation, I and ho proceeded at once to call till roll of the Jurymen. All except David Saunders answered the roll and tlm I court ordered that an attachment ! issued for him. The entire venire, except Thomas Brady and Josepfc C'hadwlck, were accepted upon exam Inatlon by the court as to their hLit utory qualifications. Bradley and Saunders staled that they were "hard of hearing" and the court excused I Ibem from service. Frank O'Neill, charged with steal-lug steal-lug $n.S.1 from l.'rscl Taylor at the Fair Grounds. July :'7. and Earl V. Mitchell, charged with grand larceny i' 1 lotted to have be-n committed Juiio "Uth. by stealing wearing upparel and I Jewelry from lue trunks of Mr. and .Mrs. David Crocket, were In court and tho information was read to Mitchell, the defendant statlgythat he had a lawyer to defend him but that hew as not In court. The jude stated stat-ed that he would def,.r taking the plea ol both Mitchell and O'Neill until tomorrow to-morrow morning. Judge Howell ocntemplated con-tiderlug con-tiderlug the motion and probate calendars cal-endars this morning, but the attor-neyd attor-neyd stated that they understood that those matters -Would' not be attended to until next Saturday, and were not prepared to handle their cases that rosivoot. and the court ordered that the matter go over until Saturday. |