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Show DEATHS AND I FUNERALS 1 I ron Cooley and Isaac Cooley of Ogden. Og-den. The funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the North Ogden meeting houe. The remains may be viewed at the house In North Osden on the day of tho funeral from 1 10 a. m to 1 p. m. Interment in Ogden Og-den City cemetery. I lions "Sister. Thou Wast Mild and Lovely." "I Need Thee Every Hour" and other beautiful hymns. A duet entitled "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" Some-where" was rendered by Mrs. Ber-nice Ber-nice Glacier and Mrs. John Nicholas. The speakers were Pres. C. F. Mid-dleton. Mid-dleton. E. A. Iirkln and Nathan Tan- , ner. Many floral trlbutert were laid uiron the bier by the large number ol mourners. The interment was at Ogden City cemetery. 1 ALFRED D. YOUNG. Tho funeral services of Alfred Douglas Young will bo held Wednesday Wednes-day at 11 a. in. from the Kancavllle meeting house. The remain. may be lewed thia evening and tomorrow at the family residence lu Kanes-ville. SARAH E. HAWKINS. Th funeral service of Sarah E. Hawkins were held at the First ward meeting house at 2 o'clock yesterday, yester-day, with Bishop D. H. Kuslgn pre-tiding. pre-tiding. The ward choir rendered the celcc- MARTIN H. COOLEY. Martin H. Cooley, aged . died at 7 o'clock last evening at tbe family residence in North Ogden of caucer of j the stomach. Mr Coolwey had resided In North Ogden tor three years or more and was a member of hte High Priests 1 Quorum. He became a conert of the I.. D. S. church In Pennsylvania some fifty years ago and was one of its , most faithful members until his death, j came a convert of the L. D. S. church 1 iu Pennsylvania and was one of iu most faithful members until hU death. I He wa born Juue 17. 1S2I. lu SchuruDg county, New York, the jon of Mr. and Mm. Aaron Cooley, anil I survived by seven children, twenty-four grand children and fourteen four-teen great grandchildren. The seven children are Mrs. James Ward. Mis Nellie Cooley of North Ogden. Inln Cooley, Harmon Coo- ley, Simon Cooley of New York. M- |