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Show WIDOW OF SHOP MAN GETS COMPENSATION Mrs Sarah A S Iiikin of Ogden. whose husband. John E Larkln. died U An 1 ! K' j result of Injuries receiyed ; in an act Idem while he was employed! In tho local shops of the Southern Pa- plftc company last ear, was jcsterdayl swarded compensation of $ifi a weeic i for ; l a weeks by the InduHtrial commission com-mission of Utah. The commission formerly denied compensation In this case, inasmuch as the engine on which Mr. larkm1 was er.Kacred at the time of the injurs ' Was used both before and after the j accident on Interstate freight trains The supreme court, howe er, reyersed ' this decision. Inasmuch as the loco-1 motise was not in service at the time, of the accident Mr larkln was us-' ng I w rem h in the pit under the loco- j motive when the nut broke and he was, thrown vwilentlj r, crainst a brake beam i lie continued t'i wnrk from Mas -i to Uiay 12. 1BS1, but it wr.a found he had sustained abdominal Injuries, and he' Idled following an operation nr |