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Show - m Mary Pickford Will Be Alhanibra Attraction Tomorrow The millions of readers or FrMfees Hodgson Burnett s world-loed novel. "Little Lord l auntleroy," will be delighted de-lighted to know that Marv Plclttord In reproducing the story for the screen has preserved all its quaintncss and charm, and has been especially faithful faith-ful to the costumes and manners of the period dep"ed so vividly bv the author As a vehicle for the lOVfely Mary, this story is idea!, running as it does the entire gamut of emotional drama, pathos and riotous comedy. It -gles her the greatest opportunity she ever hus Imd for the dltplay of' that brilliant bril-liant genius which has so enueured her to the hearts of Mi World and his Uifo. In this piny, scheduled to open tomorrow at the Alhanibra theatre sne mis a cnanee to lei her public see her as a mature woman and also us a boy of sevn. Jn tho world of dramatic dra-matic art what could be more diffi-OUltt diffi-OUltt Not only in the same play but in the same scenes, will this atest of all screen artists be seen in these two difficult roles. Through the medium of double exposure, ex-posure, that most baffling of photographic photo-graphic methods, Miss Pickford is able to appear as two different . liiir.icters in the same scene, thus producing the most perect Illusion possible. The Victorian u lessee with their puff-sleeves, bustles and long trains, the ihutehcd houses nnd the magnificent magni-ficent castle shown In this film tend to make it an achievement in plcture-lund plcture-lund And yet who con ever forget the rheumatic old apple-woman, the portly port-ly grocer, and the lovable bootblack, who were such great cronies of Ced-rlc Ced-rlc Errol ? The human Interest and h' arl app- .'1 In 1 In- picture Is said to top anything ever yet translated into celluloid. Miss Pickford will be seen In a greater variety and a more novel set fo costumes in "Little Lord Kaunt-leroy" Kaunt-leroy" than In any play In which she aum ever Dciore appeared The display 'I'd' Women's fa.shion typical of tho , eighties will undoubtedly prove very I Interesting to style rcvoteos, especially when contrasted with the scanty attire at-tire of today. But most appealing of all will be Man' Pickford the little boy and Mary Pickford the grown-up woman jThc presentation of this feature will be more elaborate than anything yet shown at the Alhambra. |