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Show LEGAL NOTICES ESTATE OF JANE ANN WILSON. Notlco In hereby ylvon that the undsr-nitfned undsr-nitfned will 11 at private salo In one parcel the following described real os- tate sltua'c and I . InR In i,: Jcn City V. . ',. r , i.iunty I .il,.- of I tall A lurt r,f T.,.t T'.,, (2) in Illnrk Flftv-elx Flftv-elx t60). Pint "A ', Ogden City Survey, and commencing at a point 194 75 feot , ffiBt of the .south, st corner of Lot Thre. (2) In paid Block Fifty-six in ai-i Plet ' '. Qfden City Survey, and runnlni; -Ii-im- Kuut T.'.o furl in tho southeast corner oT said Lot Two (2), tlu-.ico north 198 fet thenco west 79.25 f st and thence south 198 fe-t to the Ida, e of betrlnnlruc Together with all rights, privileges, appurtenances thereunto there-unto belonging or In any way connected. On or after Saturday, July Oit 8th. 1922. and written bid,, will be received at the banking noise of the Ctah Savior Sav-ior & TruMt company, at Number 235 South Main street. San ikn City, Utah. Terms and conditions of sale to be |