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Show I Ct r . Foreign Government Bonds We believe thut cmefully ee-I ee-I locud Foreign Government Bonds ar kn exreptlunul bargain at today' to-day' prtce. a rcaetion aticn aj is i. I: .ig place in the horid market at present should bo considered us i an opportunity to bu) Th gen eral trend ot bond pikes nnd of Foreign Exchange a upward. Banking condition.- nro better than I j they have beei for years, The re-I re-I discount rate hns been lowered to 4 per cent. Factories nnd planu mji, im were expanded mi groatly dunriK the war tho i coniDaratlveto little I money will b,- nee-deu during th 1 next two or ibreo years for ex- faiiHlon olong these lines. I We recvtnniend the following list ? for your eonslderat ivti i Norway 3y2s, 1902 I H Sao Paulo 8s (Guilders), 1938. I Copenhagen 4s, 1949. I Argentine 5s, 1947. Brazil 5s, 1908. I Complete information on Inquiry. J. A. IjOGLE & CO Pocatello Oden Los Angeles Salt Lake City 1 t I DANCE TONIGHT at the White City OLIE REEVE'S DANCE I ORCHESTRA I ' i I FREE DANCE I B SATURDAY NIGHT P I UTAH HOT I 1 SPRINGS g H SPECIAL CAR SERVICf K I SATURDAY SUNDAY - H Cars Leave Ogden as KB Follows; Saturday Sunday 3 30 1:30 5.30 2:30 f; 1 6 15 3 30 j Laat car leaves Springs I j H for Ogden at 11 30 p. m m ROUNjD TRIP 25c m All Music Covers, M Attention I m FREE MUSICAL CONCERT I at I GLEN BROS.-ROBERTS PIANO COMPANY S THIS EVENING AT 3 O'CLOCK SHARP 1 Soprano Soio?.st French Hewn Soloist m NEW JULY RECORDS "A Tip"-buy Sego Milk 1 With a supply of Sego on the pantry shelf you ore never without rich creamy milk. You'll find it one of the greatest economies and conveniences conven-iences of housekeeping It's "CREAM'S ONLY RIVAL " Dance at Ogden's Ideal ResortM HERMITAGE PARK r Ogden Canyon, every night excepfl Sunday. Admission 25c. UINTAH SUPREME ICE CREAM I Quart, 40c I Ten flavors to select from. A pasteurized I product. VVhy not buy the best at the same price as other? Just drive out to I UINTAH DAIRY I 3667 Washington Ave. I Orders Given Prompt Attention I |