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Show PEE STATERS WAGE WAR ON VALERKROUP Vielding of O'Connor Lowers Low-ers Morale of Republican Element FIGHTING- NOT OVER Element Led By Ex-President Prepares to Resist Regulars' Attack dubltn. July I. (By The Associ-lito.i Associ-lito.i press). The provisional ltate government turned tbday to the (task of clearing out the remaining bests of Insurgents, following the fall W the four courts, the chef strong-;j fliold n the anti-treaty fort The surrender this morning of mere ; than 50 rebels who had oeen holding out in the Capet street area was hailed hail-ed as evidence that thS morale ot th Republicans had been wenkend b. tv 'vleldlng of Rory . Connor and Warn Sl,.!U,v. -. two ol their strong' t Llg&b :" -t h. n.ice still onfr. ml Ing nor fonly Dublin but the nation was rec-iognizc-,1. however. and the dall minta -er of defense in a proclamation to tne troops of the national army declared. I HEA' TO FIGHT O.N. 1 -we put our hand I - thTfl right n ' defense of the people s will and v. ' ' h your aid we will s-- ' to successful issue " The plan of action against the irregulars ir-regulars who have establl bed tnOm-f tnOm-f Helves in hotels and othei premises v HI probably assume the form of an c-nelrcling movement with Intense I fields of action In certain areas. The next are:, to " " ' v nt,"n ' U. ill probably be the Sat cs Hie str I ,1 -1,-h 1 S' vera I bl-a-K - c, : of ' I I "Ur Uourt where the Republicans Frldaj Tii--ht took over a block of buildings i Including the postofflce and the Gre-Fh Gre-Fh mi (Jram ill '. !l .i,.mans hotels. i : VLiER IN OMM XNI It is reported on good authority tnai llEamonn de Valera is In pi rson l1 i pm-ynand pm-ynand of the SackVllle area for tho Republicans, who are reported to De ! making elaborate pr itlona to i - I pulse anv attack even breaking'! through the !! walls in order to connect all the buildings. "This morning the win. lows bristled. Villi rifles. Th mai of the Fo U courts were still ablaze furiously this morning Nothing remains of th magnificent dome which was a diss- ' klngulshing feature of the building. More than 50 insurgents who bad bieen holding out in the Capel street I Inrea surrendered to the government forces at 2 o'clock this morning and were marched to tip Wellington bar-Tacks, bar-Tacks, pays a statement issued by the j national army headquarters. Capel street Is dn th viclnltj of the Four courts buildings, which is still burning. The total casualties In the three ; days' fighting has not yet been asecr-I talned, but it is estimated they will not (.timHv exceed 100. the fatalities be- j ing placed at about 40. FREE STATE STRONG ENOUGH LONDON. July 1. (Bv The Assoc!- tated Pre."). Reduction of the Four j courts, chief rebel stronghold In Dub- llJn, seems to havip Justified the belief that tho provisional Free State gov- . fernment can cope with the situation. Trouble Is believed to be brewing 'in the south. '..p an sympathizer are notoriously notor-iously widespread In 'rebel Cork." land it will be no surprise if the Republicans Re-publicans there rally in -.ms against the provisional government RAILROAD BRIDGE BOMBED BELFAST July 1. By The Associated Asso-ciated Press). The big main line bridge two miles south of Drogheda. ' has been blown up, bo vexing railway .communication between Belfast and 1 'uhlln. |