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Show PROBATE Ai'TD GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or tbe Ucpec-the Ucpec-the Manors for Further Information. MOT ICE. Xo. i486. Estates of Henry i mi Conpoch and FYances t'oppock Deceased The i.etit.on 01 UagbHit Anderson ad-minlstrator, ad-minlstrator, praying for settlement 01 his final account, and for partial distribution distribu-tion of t-nid estates. In the above entitled matter, has been set ro: hearing before1 Hon James N. Kimball, ludge. on Mon-. lav the 10th doy of Julv. 1922 at ten 10) o'clock .. m. at the county court house, in the court room of said court in 'iM.-n City. Weber count' 1 tot- Witness the clerk of snid court with Junel922hCrCOf a"lxcd xhl :Sth da-v f " CLAUDE T. MOTES. Clerk , By AK"es Smith. Deputv Clerk Hn vcrou A Pratt. Attornevs for Petl-I Petl-I tloner fScal) . 901 D |