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Show ! W YORK M (, R ' I-. R rORJC July 7. The early raw sugar market was quieter and unchanged un-changed at 3.38 cost and fr. ight for spot Cubas, equal to 4.98 for centrifugal centri-fugal with late Julj at 3 13-32 cents cost and freight, equal to 6.08 The raw sugar futures market opened open-ed firmer on renewed buying for outside out-side account with prices at one time showing advances of iour points, but before mid-day realizing caused a setback set-back At noon prices w re i.a. k to about Thursday's close. The markdt for refined was un- hanged to 10 poinis highor. with good Inquiry reported. All refiners are behind be-hind on delivery with -ov.-ral out of the market entltoly while those who are In list prices at 6 40 to 6.60 for fine granulated. Refined futures nominal. Inter there was a sale of 1 0 000 b??i,f Cuban for August shipment at cost and frelrn: egunl to 5 11 for centrifugal Sugar futures closed steady ap. Proximate sales 27.600 tons; Beptem-ner Beptem-ner 3.46: December 3.52; March 3.35; May 3 44 |