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Show BULLETINS! S'iTt ACT 'RK, N. V . July 7. Railway Rail-way clerks employed on the New Fork Central lines have eoted o strike, it wa.s announced today by the officials. The vote was a part of the sreneral strike vote taken by all th clerks on the York Central Cen-tral line. The union includes clerks, freipht handlers and express and sta tion employos Clerks on the lAcka-w.mna lAcka-w.mna already had voted to strike. GAr.LIPOI.I9. Ohio, July 7 Armed union miners from Pomeroy Rend today to-day attempted to stop nonunion ni!n t era at work in the mines at Chcvhlr- ' Ohio. 10 miles east of here. Tho I sheriff and his deputies were called to the scene. . ST I. oils. July 7 J. M. Kurn president of the St. I.ouls & San Krnni Isco rnilw.iv, todsy Issued a Pti Lenient that "6tr!kers succeeded In j driving off C3 nun with threats cf lynching ' at the road's shops ,n I Bprlnp field. Mo., nnd that "another I lot of IS men were taken away by the chief of police of Springfield shortly after they had been unloaded I at our barracks ' I TnPEKA Kan . July 7 A state warrant was Issued today against T. Huntington, president, and Thomas llllllery. secretary' of the federated shop crafts union No. 11 of Topeka, charging violation of the iCansas Industrial In-dustrial court act In Issuing 1 1 i strl order which resulted In the vralkoill , of the shopmen In the i-anta Fe shops here July 1, WASHINGTON', Jnlv 7. Attorney Ocnerul Inughert has arrangod '" conduct a hearing next Thursday on the Question of the legality of permitting per-mitting the sale of Intoxicating bov- rages on shipping board vessel- It was learned today at depigment of j Justice I BELFAST. July 7. (By th- Associated Asso-ciated Press. Enveloping mov ement by Free State- troops S: ' egun In ! North Donegal and a qla&h between! the rival forces seemed Imminent to-1 day. Reports from the Ft?publi' nrt stronghold at Glenvelj;h cut'c and Inch fort indicate that the occupants ore preparing for desperate stands. ' WASHINGTON, July Inv&tlga- I Hon by a Joint congre-.s'on.i I orri- 1 I mission of the advlublily ot pros ld-i ld-i ing federal crop Insurance (ox flr-iiu flr-iiu rs, nraa proposed in a i -olution today by Senator Mc.Narj. LepUbli-l can, Oregon. Washington. July 7 Operflns his attack on th administration tariff I bill, Senator LaFolletts of Viscinsln. , la Republican of the Clnanos commit" tec, declared today in the senate thai passacs of the measure would me-m the defeat of the Republican party In tho elections In Nov: nber and in 1 the president!. il elections in 1 1 2 4 . |