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Show TEXANS VISIT OGDEN CANYON Ogden for the first time In 21 year.' was yesterday include..! In the Itlner-axy Itlner-axy of dclcfrnt ions of Texas people, 'who, each year, club together and In a ispedal train, tour many of the western state, Yollowntone park and tho Pa-'oifle Pa-'oifle northwest and Alaska. The pnr- ty each year is headed by Krank Kieil. .i1 of Dallas. Texas, who. after spending weeks In Yellowstone each summer, Is regarded as an authority on park ihat-ttrs, ihat-ttrs, history and Its wonders, and who hat written books and irticles and conducted many lecturers I GO TO CAN Y Arriving: in Ogden at 12.10 yo-i' i day. over the Union Pacific systemi from Denver, ih'- L26 Tcxans board ed a special canyon train, which took ij them Immediately to the Hermitage Inn There they enjoyed a dinner of ii ran iiii.mjiii.iiu iioui. Ann ijicuu' ng two hours in 'lie canyon, they returned re-turned to Ogden and left for Salt Iake at 4:10 o'clock. The. special train n HI again pan through Ojfden this ev ening. bound for l!o st m Tli- tour is far different from thos' regularly conducted bj tourists agencies, agen-cies, and has won tho name of "Reedy's Chautauqua ' In that many of the most prominent business men. 'i-ticntors 'i-ticntors and professional men of Texas Tex-as take part each year Every effort is made to bring out the talent I hat i In the party and after each dinner, there are programs of music and ud-dreatea ud-dreatea given by the party members which would do credit to many Chautauqua Chau-tauqua programs PROGRAM UELJ) Knilowing dinner at the Hermitage ts! erda . in inti-i esling proginin w.in held, featured by lalks by ih' I'arloua party members"and Mr Heedy. W H. Chevers, general agent for the I'nl" Pacifk: system, with headquarters here and Floyd A. 'I Immermnn. representative representa-tive of The Standard-Examiner, were guests The speakers paid tribute to the of- ficials of the Union Pacific system who .had shown them so much courtesy during the trip. A resolution was adopted In which thanks were oxprt ss-ed ss-ed for the service and Will be for-varded for-varded to the system headqua ri i-r- 6o well were the visitors pleaded with the Ogden fisll thai II is now practically certain that ORden will bo included on the. lour itinerary each year. Several members of the part' captivated bj 'he beauties of Ogden can; on and Its opportunities for a rest ful vacation, signified their Intentioin of coming here to remain several week? during tho summer months, IilNT OF VISITORS A partial list of those in the party-who party-who enjoyed the iigden visit and ih:.-trip ih:.-trip to Ogden canyon yesterday fol-' fol-' lows: Mrs Frank Blankpnshlp. Mrs S .1 McFarland. Mrs Kath Sea Rand Mrs Mary Ma Mr. and Mrs I . L Jjester. Mrs R E L. Saner, Ilia! Dorothy Dor-othy Saner, I. M Scott. Jr. John C Saner. .Ir.: Miss Dorothy Burrus, Miss Mable Stevens, Miss Linda Wolf. Mr (and Mrs. W H. Stevens, Mrs. H li McFaddcn. Mr and Mrs. S. N. Thomp-son Thomp-son and son, Mrs C. E. Brown Capt E A. Word en, Mrs Jull.i Marchman. 'Miss Gene White, P. A. Bywaters Mrs J, B Tunentlne. Mr and Mrs. W. H Logan, and W. H. Ixgan Jr., Miss Emma J Falk, Miss Eorona Brower J W Riley. Mrs. C TV Knight, and eon Mrs. Z J. Reese. Frank Miller MISS Henrietta Miller. Ed Miller Mihs Ann Huckabee, Miss Ada Bruton, Mlse Lou Hamilton Miss I lets Williams. Miss Roxle Stanford. Miss Margaret McGrudcr. Mls Bessie Schilling. Miss Jessie Schrock. Miss Christine Cro-zler. Cro-zler. Miss Thelma Booth Miss Kath-erlne Kath-erlne Anderson. Miss Ina Thomas, Miss Frankle Wnteon, Mrs. We ems, Mr and Mrs. Frank McNeny. Fred McJunkln, Miss Ethol Kern. Mrs Q X Aldredg. Wlllard Perkins and J. C. Phillips of Dallas; Dr. and Mrs O; T. Mitchell nd son. of Renner, Mis Tempel Arnold Ar-nold of Greenville, Mis Georglo Nash. Celeste; Miss Gertrude Hams, Muskogee, Mus-kogee, Okla ; Mrs. Louise Custard, Wichita Falls Miss Arabella O'Dell Fort Worth, Lawrence Trcadwell Cor-sieana, Cor-sieana, Mr and Mrs. J. G. Farmer, Fort Worth; Mis Lizzie Lltsey. Fort Worth; Mrs. Anna T Hood and sor. Wichita Falls; Miss Helene Bergston. Wichita Falls Miss Katherlne Hill. Renner; W V. Ferguson. Wichita Tails; Mr and Mrs. Hamlyn Morgan and son, Hebron; J M. Scott, Jr., Decatur, De-catur, Miss Eliza Morgan, Hebron Mr. and Mrs J M Scott, Sr , and daughters Deratur, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gosc. Wichita Falls, and Miss Valerie Va-lerie Fleming Mount Vernon. OO |