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Show r TICwC T0 CONTRACTORS. I ..otlce la hereby given that Ogden City proposes to make the following public improvameat. to-wit. Construct curbs No UUo Lln,sCurb ,a.nd Gultr District h..i' .t0ctI,,r wlth work Incidental tlons and profiles on file In the office of the city engineer. And sealed bids are Invited for said work andWlll 22 received at the office of the cH re! corder in the city hall at Ogden Utah until ten o'clock a, m on tht 3rd Uv o August 1332 Instructions to b.dde plans and specifications for eald lm 0V,hTenof,Cn ,b0 een and amlnmd at the office of the oltv mrlnr in the city hall of said city." an2 obtained upon a deposit of $5.00. which wl be refunded upon their return In ood con! The right la reserved to relect . and aU hlds and to waive an d ec J ByJ)rder, of lh0 BorJ of CoraranjnslM era of Ogden City. Utah, this UiC 1-th day of July. 1922. 1 n C O. DEWOLF, First publication July ,Jj4p0rtr Last publication Aug l 1922 gWekei hi Ogdan Standard-Kxaminer Curb and Oytter District No. 130 50J |