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Show JfKE MORMX. AI'TKK kLKlacxt niorninK J.-n wis ill tvflftd never felt quite to miserable ltfTife! She could not eat, and big.m knew that she ought to take JjMoUrlshnient .sin v. a :,o weak. k1 floss of sleep h.id'spread trnng vcr her fare Pti looked ' ' KM relent le.-.slv In the mirror in if 'morn ins sunshine what a won the golden apple -sho voted the most beautiful wo-night wo-night before. M the Bull Des June smiled cynically to "If th' ould ' e roe now. lid certainly take the prize frme," she thought, die put cold packs on her nnd tried to go to sleep wrered the curtain and tried Ut the merciless glare of the hot' Awfull hot. Ot up nervously and pulled m up ag:iin Pne needed air 0 bed she crawled. By the mother came in with n Ifcreakfas: tray. Jane had to fall asleep again, l sh- awakened with a Btar-jght Btar-jght that, by this time. Bhe Ye heard from Norman, brman phone mother." she oked at the breakfast traj thing's cold," she grumbled y htr mother heate.l the cof-ln cof-ln tho usual tw lumps of earn She coaxed Jane to wlyr jchards observed sagely, a g sllnc-. interrupted final-i final-i vehemence of Jane's ri -1 never go to another art- -m i dear, what happened to rxox- 1C "Hi Iher A ui l.now -omething!' tamped -'it . i e,i n excitement S ilxed her frul little mother Ky the shoulders J II me what it" You know 3 King?" n I Fifth Avenu- hospittal t-- ' this Ninrun; I'm it N'omia n 'jSfchad b.en brought there 1 JgBluB SOnn a- "1 Hi' abb- you ! , Bo then iHhurt' Tiie doctor lied to me jKd!" Jane moaned, throwing BdO-wn upon the bed in an out-lit out-lit grief. BK hurt a nd it s my fault. , little beast of a Mar. hand that U past: jS Mh. husir" i r in. u.' -T..,; b.'-i ,g Burse Kiini it was not serious Ti I wants you he's been asking ijj IU an n it'h i flew in. i !. r '-b. !- Sill -1 fore tumbled out of the closet ' jj atfl flun- ri,;bf ami Wt. jjj Ut shall 1 Mc- u What shall I U! must .hi .1 Pcould mt ; . iin why in that .J t of excitement she was more . than ey.-r t.i b.ok attractive Jjpbeautlfn) She nted to fclan'8 side and greet him with "jyiove all her beauty sh ' H to take him into her arms tMtllke him forget for all time all tt momor -1Ik- Madame Nara-lWTO Nara-lWTO pr-'Plise !., lip ..I ..til' T JJfcother helped her int" a fresh summ. r frock. It was hot! i ch-. l. i i a i nine, and Httlc en u er.. forrninc about frobbinj,' fi"-. b. ad Tljfcfore ;i lr.u) brimmed Ich'.rn aphmed will black and whit" Xthe yellow frr..-. was ft ..ff !r y l do look nice, Jane,'' b'r jKa had t r ' : .. , Hi I of me, I rannot understand l rlrl can st-u out until -4 o'clock riffli jnornine and t!ll look like a Aki f gln,r" ' ri ly look lik' a mornlnp clory til eel llk-- like a prune'" Jnr." rv3 tf- "AH v. rinkles." nCfe rhr mother kissed her. Jt sarcful, dear, and do r.ot risk ' quarrel with Norman Reft Re-ft ft '.It Is on'y two da s before ifllng and there's many a d'.p . 1H" lie cup and the lip" f rl it prover'o- ' ll fl? was eono- 'iL lot a tnvl at i i..- . r.i n.r -. J Jg hing nervously an the traffic hor progresii down Fifth ave- VhH" . tl I - Fifth Avenue hospital." she tad f ! (fospltai: To think that Norman was . lvlng there in one of those white, ter-i riblc little rooms hurt. She had hurt, him. Her vanity hr Jealousy her ! lack of undemanding of men, these 'were the things that had hurt him Any sensible girl would have known thai Madame Nararoova was prob-; ably but B specimen to B man like Traverse. A vamp type. Perhaps hej character for one of his ne" novels. That, was a comforting thought. By the time Jane reached the bos-, pit il sha was in a warm mood. All the ""1 love for Norman had come surging back Into her heart. She for-yave for-yave him! She loved him he waa hers. I I What was It Mrs Marohanfl had ( I said'.' V woman canr.ot love a man who idoes not have $o bo forgiven a man that no other woman wants to love'. That was philosophy. "Depend upon a woman who has ; b( m unhappily married to make clev-, er axioms aboul lov " Jane thought. "One dollar-twenty." She was knocked out of her revery I., the announcement of the taxi-i driver She wax there -at the Fifth Avenue hospital' In another minute she would sco Norman. She paid the chauffeur--and tipped j hlrn I p the white stairs she climbed. 1 A hospital. Tin odora of medicine, met her hose. How deadly, how Hick-1 ening! Bhe was announced. The nurses I were very polite and sweet all in j white. June thought. "I wonder If Norman's nurst is pretty'" I Up up up. The elevator was very ; Flow and silent. It was i hospital j everything was hushed and vvhla-! vvhla-! pen d Jane followed a nurse down a rub- j bcr padded floor. A door partly ajar disclosed another nurse waiting to receive Jane. "Mr. Traverse has been expecting! you all morning. He was disappointed disappoint-ed He has fiil'en asleep now and' I'm afraid he cannot he disturbed." ' "You mean j cannot Sec him" Juno gasped. She was utterly astounded. They i wouldn't let her see him! As Jane stood there biting her lip, the angry ilhousrht spread down upon her j This nurio h!s nurse Is too pretty. (Copyright, 192:!. bv The Boll Syndicate, Syndi-cate, Inc.) Another fine Installment of this 1 story tomorrow oo |