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Show "-'7 ' - 1 " " "W" J - ..iii.i., ... .T'i -rT-"--O- --t m -i- i.'i.-.. - . ' - WELCOMJQ " -', "- , , ' , " " 1 i L.J "' It has been quite a white since we have written; about fli?$, but now that the Summer is waning, and fall will soon be wif tis ,it tnajr net hurt to let the people of the camp know that when srckfcei. and 4seas and even death sets in, when the doctors "are too bujtart of sleep, that all this extra grief and trouble was caused by flies ; V . " Far be it from us to try and tell the people- of te.Camp that this fall will see lots of sickness, for it is our feryenf hope hut tickness' and death will be kept at a minimum, but it is a! certainty 1na as long as breeding places for flies are allowed to remain within the precincts of our town, just that long can we expect to1, hear of disease and sicknis.' ' - , , , It is a known fact that, flies never travel, over XOQ yards frorrf their breeding places, which only goes to show that Binghtat' Canyon is indeed good to these disease carrying enemies. - , . k $t . .' , ' - r Xrfme is aid to be a help in ridding these pests," Stit if there has been any lime used around this burg, we have ailed to setSt, as the amount of flies that visit us eachday,, are piute evidence' that tit jcopltlof the cutif are not watching this menace"; -' . f . t ' rl'&$ WiH ;'' -'''r' It is, to, late to do anything" for prevetitioij Wi iifrj-jlvt VW OT too late to.get readyFor.next yeag campaign. There wai V feeble effort made this spring by a certain few to remedy this'evil, but? in most things, it was left, to the few, ;with the result that the few, becacje .disgusted, and vthe matter of cleansing.1 the town of flies' was dropped; : '. v .. 'V."'. Why people insist on negloctipg this vitat matter iSTbcyond us," and from what we can learn it has been going cn for years. . Bingham Canyon, with its mines, and great pay roll certainly is not going to sljt by and allow breeding breed-ing places of fliesjand. disease, to exisj -within the porjljls of the city limits. Wake up.'Tolks', and read the handwriting on the walli ' . ' 'v ' |