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Show 'RESERVES FOR TEAMS NAMED j Northern Utah Schedule to Be Drawn Up At Meeting Here Next Week Directors of the Northern Utah baseball base-ball league will meet a! the Weber 'club Wednesday and draw up the .echedule for tho coming season's play In -Uie new circuit, according to In-j In-j formation received hero today from President George P.omney The majority ma-jority of the Club owners are of the I opinion that tho playing season should the lengthened Instoad "f shortened and that the-season should ext nd until un-til Labor Day. This system would 'give the teams a schedule of about 0 games. Some of the teams entered In the b".'iBue race have already completed their rosters for the 191 campaigi while others hafe made arrangements in secure some first-cla-. star-. At IBrlgham fJity, Joe Van, former Union AssOi laiion star, is dickering for stars. Cy Morgan, twlrlor, i listed In the rostel of the Brlgham team. I The manager for the JRden ofub 'will be named at a meeting to be held today at the CjTty hall. The clubs of the new league Have . submitted arol have been allotted b' following players, according to the reserve re-serve clause inles fif Hi" le.'Kii Wf Brlgham Cit Y- B. Morgan. Jo-Van. Jo-Van. Harold Stone A J Gunn, A G Gunn SdOSe Stlefel. 0. C Wat kins. Norman Watkfns, Jese Kellar, Lloyd Kellar. Randy Ballinger and George vVessler. Lewfston laddie Kenna. R. i;. Evans, Ev-ans, Fred Conner. 11. Coray. Charles Archibald, Henry Layne, Morris Swln-ard. Swln-ard. tis Nan ' riep Harry Coleman j Bert Heath, Jack OUlngor Carl GJo-ver, GJo-ver, Charlie f?haney arid Ed iloff. Logan jouls Fftlck, Glen Dee, Her-'man Her-'man Hemmer, Btubbj Pstersqn, Norm 1 Rudolph. And) Phillip William Men Ikcs. Melvin Pratt; Lon Andrus, Leslie I Bo went Lyle Geddes and Frdnk Wll-son- ; Ogden John Mi-yirs. Ctuisc M I French, Robert 'ole. Harry G1 cuweii, , i'.ollo Gi eenwdl. Janu s Keimell. Wil-l.ain Wil-l.ain Shipley and Laurence Collins. ! Smlthfleld Itaymond Rocis, Arthur i Black, IjouIs KonneCa, Dave Garrlck. Uub Driscoll Bugene Caldera, Psis 1 Hanson, p.-uli Dorius, Arthur Beanibns, Wallace W Site, Gporge ETcklund and I Martin Roskelley. Tremonton Ernie Falienttne, Aaron Christepsen, Tiny Leonard, Tbomas I Fitspatrlck, Earl Holmstead, Jersey Gleason, Ilarrv- Uovelt, Hudd Hurvows. ,llarr ICilpatrlck, Floyd Dern, Babe (Myers and Denton Illclt. |