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Show 4- Uncle Sam, M. D. . s! My husband has been suffering from heart trouble the last five eHr:v It's getting worse all ih- time When he walks too fast and lift? too heavy he falls over In a faint. His doctor last week said he had an enlarged heart, but ould not say win : from. He has had X-ray taken of his teeth and ha-- had one tooth Pulled out and anoiher will come out Iiext Monday, hut otherwise his teeth are solid for a man of 40 year? We talked to a trained nurse, who has a father that Is a great doctor, and she says enlarged heart comes from too heavy and thick blood. "'his nurse claim his heart stops for that second when he faints until the heart can punr that heavy blood. Could you tell sne what diet or medicine will ihin out hlg Mood? A. The nurse's explanation whs incorrect incor-rect tr else you misunderstood her Hn-largement Hn-largement of the heart comes from some extra work It has had lo do Perhaps, the enlargement was due io a leaking valve, or there jnight be a ruuithness on the valve whlchrnadc some obstruction to the. flow of blood, or thre might be some trouble with the arteries, or kidneys kid-neys or even with the liver, which would throw extra work on the heart. Anything which makes tho heart work harder Is liable to result In an enlargement enlarge-ment of the bean. The condition Is very simiJar lo that it: the muscles of the arm Kvery one Is familiar with the enlargement of the muscles of tha arm ar 'he result of heavy work. There Is noLhiiig to fear thai Ihe bund Is loo heavy and thick, and that you ShoQld thin It by diet or medicines. A person suff'-ring from liearl trouble - i ould be under the care of a iualif!oI physician, but he should be careful not to overexert himself, and should avoid running hill climbing, stair climbing and heavy lifting. For detalis of treatment the phyl-cinn's phyl-cinn's advice should be followed. Q. Is leakaye of the.hcart and valvular valvu-lar heart Iron hie ihe same as "hear; murmur?" Am anxious to have my t-m-slls removed but have been told by mv physician I have a liearl murmur .i am afraid t" take,' an anesthetic. What would ou advise me to Bo? A. They are not the same, though very frequently the murmur Is caused by a leakage Qf the valves or some other form of valyulgr trouble. Tin- "murmur" "mur-mur" Is the abnormal "Sound made by ihe liearl. and i not necessarily due to any form of alvu1ar trouble. Thus in anemia there is oft.-n u nuirnvr even though there Is nothing wrong with tho heart rUves A murmur is relatively un-ImporlanL un-ImporlanL What is important is the manner In which the heart Is able to carry on ti c work even In the face of handicaps, n other words, the degree to Whlcn 'he heart can compensate for the hai.dleap, that is the prime consideration, If the hdari Is otherwise in good condition nnd If there is goo'l compensation an nnes-thbtlc nnes-thbtlc ma. perhaps, he well bono K en then, however, the anesthetic should be administered bj an expert. pti raaj also be Interajitsed to know thai icitain forms of operation for amputating n-larrod n-larrod tonsils are done without an anesthetic. an-esthetic. Q. I have been unable to do work for two M-ars and over. Had fhe ' f.u " and now have indlgeattdn sftry bad. but I am abo troubled with someiiihi In m ireasi. When I walk anv distance mv l re.isi just a. hes and pa us and my 1 heart just a i he nnd pains v.o' .) a very, very fast My head aches, bin'-s tremble and runs to the small of tie' back. When I stop and sit down, it Ii-", down. I got' butler. I do not eat well, do not sleep muih. and .i-rk so all over my body I am very ih rvoiis. Pli give me In formation as to what lo do. ll v p.) possible merely Irom ,.ur loiter to fell what may he ihe nan:.-"! Qf vour aliment. The er. rand boai a t Ion and distress on exsr,tlon might he due t. som organic heart trouble. Kapld heart action, shortness f bi.aih, ! nervousness. sleeplessness ami other symptoms i1"" occur iu dl orders of iie , i rold clV'1 Flnalb H mV ,,r mcnll d thai d;.- tress abOUl tho heari is often cxpoi. r ed ns a result of Indigestion, especially when there Is much flatulence. OO 7 The world s "oldest pump" dating from j the sixteenth century, hns been located In Ihe Steen. ar. old castle In Antwerp |