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Show HOSPITAL DENIES BOY HAS SWALLOWED A SNAKE BIRMINGHAM . Ala.. Feb S. Willie Johnson of FaiBfleld, denied thai he has swallowed snake, also, a m hoi it ;es :it the Tennessee convpanj hospital bl n statement bftCK up Willis. The snake story has been current several days it reached Birmingham today, ft was that whlh playing with his dog while his mottyer was attend-iusr attend-iusr a i.ohtic: I mectinp. Hip i hild had swallowed a make and thai he lid be n rushed to the hospital where op-j eratlons had ben performed In an ef- ; ,it :.. rapture the r)'l!Ie. So persistent persist-ent was the report that the hospital was swnmp.d with telephone calls and it wdS forced t formally deny that Willi., bad swallowed a snake. |