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Show EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF DEMOCRATS FORMED WAS! 1 1 NGTON, Fob. 3. George White, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Wednesdai appointed ap-pointed an axecutlv mmlttee of the national committee and called it to meet In Washington February 17 to obtain its "advice and counsel" in the reorganization of the party's machinery. machin-ery. The executive committee Is compos- . d of sixteen memb.-rs as follows. W". T Sanders. Alabama. Homer S. Cummings. Connecticut,; Miles G. inders, Colorado. Miss Julia E. Lan- ib rs Indiana. Mrs ampbell Cantrill. Kentui ley; Mrs.juii.i n Briscoe, Maryland; Mary-land; William F. Connolly, .Michigan; .1 Bruce Kremer. Montana Xorman EE Mack, Xew York; Mrs. Bemlce b. Pyke, Ohio; Mrs. l A. MbDpugal; Ok-lahoma; Ok-lahoma; Mrs. Rose HeifUn, Oregon; Joseph F. Guffey, Pennsylvania; C6r-dell C6r-dell Hull, Tennessee; Senator Carter 'Mass. Virginia; and Angus M. McLean, Carolina. |