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Show SALT LAKE MINING EXCHANGE HOLIDAY Taking advantage of the proximity of holidays. Ihe Salt ll;e Mining exchang was closed Baturday afternoon and will not reopen until Wednesday morning, February 23. Many members Intend to make personal visits to the properties BfafgB during the Interval METAL MARKET NEW YORK, Feb 21 -Copper, steady; pffJjH electrolytic, spot and first uuarter 13 LH 1J second uuarter, 13i$13c. Iron, nominal No. 1 northern, $31 00 12.00; No. 2 northern. $29 00f30.00; No. southern. $27.60. Tin. easier; snot and nearbv. $3.25& LfafaV 32 50; futures, $33.00. Antimony, 5. 26c. Lead. dull. spot. 4.3594 40c. lnc. steady; Fust St. Louis spot. 4.87 LH .6.00c. BUTTER AND EOQS. CHICAGO. Feb. 31 Butter, higher, creamery extras. 4Sa4$c, standards, Ii. h igh.-r receipts. 12 219 cases. firsts. 34i'36c; ordinary firsts, 3HJf32c: at mark cases included. 830840, afaH Poultry, alive, higher, fows. 30c: springs faTaral LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YoRK Feb 21. Liberty bonds closed: 3s 06.06: first 4s. 87.04 bid: second 4s. 86.60. first 4s, 87 30; mcond sH 4s. 86.72; third 4s. 90.00: fourth 4s. gH s7oo. victorv 3s, 97 38. victory 4. jSj8 LONDON RATES LONDON. Feb 21 Bar silver. 33d per ounce Money, 5 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills 7 per cent; three month bills, 66 13-16 per cenl. POTATOES CHICAGO Fob. 21 Potatoes, higher receipts. 37 cars; northern white, saek- ggggea ed. $1 10fTl 20 0Wt.l bulk. 1.05cj I 16 cwt , gfgfgfJJ Wisconsin kings sacked. $1.10 cwt. AT MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS. Minn . Feb 21 Flour. PJ9JH unchanged to 40c lower; In cArload lots. aH family patents ouoted at $: 35'rt 9.60 a bar rel in 98-pound cotton sucks H Rrun LONDON METALS LONDON, Feb 1 Standard copper spot. 73. 7s, 65d; electrolytic. 75: tin, 170. 2s, 6d; lead. 19, 5s; zinc. 26. 10s. NEW YORK SILVER. NEW YORK. Feb 21. Bar sliver, do-mestlc do-mestlc 99i foreign, 67 c. 9H Mexican dollars. 43c. |