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Show 1 I 1' uu EXTENDED THE LIFE OF MAN. lu Kver since the first man grew old and palsied, there has been a earning i; for an elixir of life. DeSoto searched ra for the fountain of youth and later Brown Sequard claimed to have disco -j red the source of lifp But. up to the present, the discoveries have been fol-I fol-I lowed by disappointments, until now I ' hope once more is revived by the an- nouncement that old age can be held gtHil ttH , Professor Huxley, son of the tamoilfl LLLLH I 11.1 n m nnrlnJ -. f (ivn.rirwn BUBDVHVi unci ci iwu ... v . . tatlon, has reached the conclusion that 1 the life-cycle of man can be reversed, .ind he has proved, in the case of the i flalworm, that by alternately fpedime fl and starving, the lire of the worm may he indefinitely prolonged. One ani H mal. treated in that way. has outlived H nineteen generations. H I Rut who wants to starve in order to j! prolong life? Who desires to live les intensely, but lonaer" I Living, after all, should be reckoned In terms of performance To have a thousand years of mere existence would not be worth a day of supreme i achievement. |