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Show KILLS HIMSELF TO TEST THEORY OF SPIRIT WORLD And Now Living Partner of Experiment Ex-periment Says She Has Received Message SCIENTISTS STIRRED BY GREAT ADVENTURE Detroit Professor Declared to Have Described Activity Beyond Veil (N E. A Starf Special) DETROIT. Mich.. Feb 19. The world today awaits expectantly scientific scien-tific Investigation of the startling adventure ad-venture In spiritism of Prof Thomas Lynn Bradford and Mrs. Ruth Starkweather Stark-weather Doran. Prof. Bradford killed himself at 9 on the night of Feb. 5 to make "the great adventure." He hoped to solve for all time the age-old problem of life after death by trying to communicate com-municate from beyond the grave with Mr9. Doran. Now she says that sho has received a message from him. Prof Bradford. one-tlmc athlete nrd actor turned In his later life to studying and writing on the occult. Finally he published a curious advertisement adver-tisement for "someone interested in spiritualistic science." This advertisement was answered by-Mrs by-Mrs Doran, member of ono of Detroit's oldest families, writer, lecturer and member of the Protestant Episcopal church. Tho professor and Mrs. Doran held several conferences at her home. WRITES FIXAFj MESS AG 1 Shortly afterward Prof. Bradford's body was found, fully-dressed. In hl6 gas-filb-d room. The unfinished manuscript man-uscript of a book on which he had been working lay beside bis typewriter. One half-written page was still In the tnai Ulnc. It rea. I " and It Is thr'vt.ii scientific facts thai I propose t demonstrate clwarli i tin phenomenon of the spirits, and prove t.iiat ail tin- phenomena nr, out' side the domain of the sopernaturml." Mrs. Doran. speaking of her final conference with the professor, says: "His last words to me, a few hours before his death, were that he would prove to me. In a very simple manner, man-ner, that the dead can communlcato with the living. "I answered his advertisement through a simple desire to know moro about a thing In which I was little j versed. 1 am not a Spiritualist, nor a believer In the psychic." Prof. Bradford, after making all preparations for reporting his experiences exper-iences In "the unknown" to Mrs. Dor an, opened me gas j-t ami scareea on Ills great adventure On Feb. 12. one week later. Mrs Doran announced she had a vague presentiment that she would h'Mr from the professor that evening Psychic students throughout the city agreed to concentrate at 9 lhat evening even-ing on the professor, to "accelerate lh.- return of his spirit." Ieadlng spiritualistic spir-itualistic pastors urged their congregations congre-gations to Join In the "concentration 1 SO N'.l S IN 1 nterprise. Mrs Doran, with u few friends gathered gath-ered In her home, said. "1 am not engaging In this adventure as a Spiritualist. Spir-itualist. I feel It my duty to do so as a human being. Certainly If 1'rof. Bradford does communicate to the world through nu-, a great step toward convincing mankind that the dead can talk will be taken. I have never heard spirits lalk, but I realize that does not mean they cannot communicate. I am engaging In this with an open mind." At the appointed hour, just a week after Bradford's death, Mrs. Doran was standing In her parlor Three witnesses, none of them believers In spliltlsm. were present Curtains were drawn. Ono lamp lighted tho room dimly. For BeveTal moments Mrs- Doran stood silent, staring at a dark corner Then she said: "I feel a strange presence. I b( -llevo It to be the spirit of the professor. profes-sor. A week ago I scoffed at such a thing. I wonder if there ate many concentrating their thoughts on this now? I wonder " She placed her hands on her temples tem-ples and directed. "Turn out the light " This was done". A moment's silence Then. "1 hear his voice It Is faint, but It grows more distinct. It Is the professor. pro-fessor. "Writo this!" Then, In short staccato sentences, in a low voice, sho dictated the message. One of tho witnesses wrote as sho spoke. I i 9TIMONIAL l lOCURAOY. Half an hour later she said. "The voice grows weaker." The clock struck 10. The lights were turned on. Mro. Doran appeared appear-ed flushed She road the notes she had dictated and placed her elgnature under them as a testimonial of their accuracy- This Is the message. "I am the professor who speaks to you from the Beyond. I have broken through, the veil The help of the living liv-ing has greatly assisted me "I simply went to sleep. 1 woke up and at first did not realize that I had passed oj I find no-great change ap-parenl ap-parenl I expected things to b- much different. They are not. Human forms are retained In outline but not In the physical. "I have not traveled far. 1 am still much, In the darkness. I neo many persons They appear natural. "There Is a lightness of responsibility responsibil-ity here unlike in life. One feels full (Continued on I'tigf Two) 'KILLS HIMSELF TO TEST THEORY SPIRIT WORLD (Continued fnmi Page .i- of rapture and happiness. Persons of i like natures associate, j am associated associat-ed with other investigators. I do not repent my act. I "My present plane Is but the first series- I am still Investigating tho future planes regarding which we in this plane are as ignorant al are earthly earth-ly befell of the life Just beyond human hu-man life " After signing the notes, Mrs. Doran fainted She soon recovered, however, and was asked; 'Are you certain, beyond doubt, that you hoard from Bradford?" "I am convinced. 1 never heard B spirit voice before That was the professor, pro-fessor, without doubt, " she replied. Witnesses, on behalf of .Mrs. Dor an, have Invited the American Psychical Research Society, in NCv York City, to make a thorough Investigation Leading psychic experts, including sir a. Conan Doyle, sir Oliver Lodge, rle reward H Carrlngton and others, are greatly stirred over the phenorn. n-on n-on because of tho unusual conditions under which It occurred. Copyright. 19J1. by Newspaper Enterprise En-terprise Association) |