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Show "sin coTo " I NAMEDFFICERS I Directors of Amalgamated to Meet Here Wednesday Morning Directors of the Amalgamated Sugar company will meet In this city Wednesd morning at which tlmo ; successors to Vice President S. M. i dgell and Assistant Manager Oeorg W. Rienks will bo named as theso officers have tendered tholr resignations resigna-tions to take effect Immediately. Mr. Edgell will continue to serve on I the board of directors of the Amalgu-i Amalgu-i mated Sugar company representing 1 the Bankers' Trust company of New York City. Mr Rienks will depart i during the latter part ef the WeSS , for Denver where he will assumo position with the Oroat Western Sugar company The beet outlook for 1921 and other , problems will be discussed. Geneml I Manager Fred Taylor stated today that the meeting would be held Wednesday Wed-nesday providing two directors, one I at San Francisco and on in Cache I Valley arrive for the meeting. Other important business will alo i be transacted, he said. oo |