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Show ralEstat ..osiure. wata aSblneiy. iood arn. . ' rKt cellar, chicken iil47. bargain to as ,Hrt llV" t rms. and rx- ' ' m M . - f K T'.iB' ' ' " 1 I I mi - 1 1 JiTRENTr-urn: s!i 3d t - --:.' " j . I Wf ' : qJ -.. r ' ?:Ji9l j., ''-' - ' 1 mt d T V hi I " ! 1 6ni -i - '.a? I'pi'aaBr M T u3 B ' i dSBl?"'' i.'. fronting i a uJfafc ; U!'i!kfaM ' ' v .feflKN,- riV M"' M ":n Porter n-$ aBBa" ::r. n. t'"' 1 SLE-lviisce!laneoiis mCfTE "r ri:-,-i:- JO .'.111 N Win.-: ,. ,;,, Al-'- ' nr.. ,,,. I ,, ,, ,. by tzperta. Work RUorRt.td b) s.nr J L ! MM 1 I r..n Reordi nrt holders. BntKatn 1 " ' ). Roftgi to, 9 UBS ; trc rosM unkbstndntt, at Moorc-n nUi' ;'-rl-. .MM Muahiiiitton avenur-. Vhon sk f. r ! ... i I,., i. ,., , rr; ... ,. i. Mil .-.II for :Vi u ord. Ulti M ui 9840 i 1 A CHI Mi HOUSE I This mnrkrt will b.- known nn ClvV Market in the futrnr. . win cArry a rail Hnr r.f rhol.-o nieatn rt Jn Hn np.tO-datO 1 ! manner and sold at a Rreai dal than I nil othor marktn. You bav tried the cthrr?. now tn n. Hound on fend T-, T-, bono Plonks. 2o. houlcfqr toaks 18c lb !ol roasts life to 15c lb., piotc and bil k. t r.h lolllnrr boof. Sc to 10c lb-lo.m lb-lo.m boiiinrr beef, Hc and 1240 in aVi I othor meats vroportlonatoly low 61fi I Tw. ntv-fniirlh Si STOCK i 1 1. ui i"i Ball ' heap Phoni 273 i a : 1 1 M VKRSAL runee and 1 hf-nMnp xtovc 1439 Hshlnirlon .v. . riiono lft60 J. ' ' ' 50 1 call 1 "hi 1. " I 97:1 NEW playoi piano, White Sewing m:i-ehlne, m:i-ehlne, all kinds housohold Koodn. 1951 "IrnnJ vnilo. 97.VJ STI'XSIiR iv Sons piano, rood rondltion ,'.." cash. 2G24 Lincoln. Phone 230S-W 9761 ON 1 1 house mo tor. Clearfield Auto Rep. Co. Clearfield Utah. Phone 85 -JC 4. 9715 KlT"IIi :; . .l.lvi. Twcntv fifth 1 l - j 1 51 i ' : i i ' , 7 I rlr V 1 ' II .."' 9 j i 5 1 ui I ''i.i 0 ' : 1 1 1 h.'i j . .hone 335. VW 21 li.' I... , -,.n JJ 711 CANAyiKS . raati 1 slncers; also 1. itinl. - ! r l.r.. I - . .'.'.'.) r.lnr-oln. 91G9 !' It fi 1 1 IS tor anlei 'l 7.r. deUvered Tn tons of third . rop hay delivered. Phone ' 1 07 1 i 1 . laeaapa and i Ian i J2-J2-W. 906U I-"' C 1 1 ' ind fhono-gl fhono-gl i.h 1 Ji M. l'.-intono Son. Twenty-ninth Twenty-ninth and HadaoiL Terms without lnte'r 71 - UNCA I I.I D lor KUltn, inilor meo.. rTTi; I reduction Oordou'a. Xll-Zi Twenly-firtn St PIkidp 419. JlT , r-UK RENl Wliscelianeous 1 BUILDING 0 euj i .1 bl el - it; for rent after March IT.. i;ood location. 25H0 Wnshlnicton. Phone J2RS. r90n OFFH 1 00 1 mi n t ozj 1 hi 1 1 ei . Anrlj Manager. SS3S WANTED MiscGHDneous WE 1 iiiantlMi pay hlchi.t cash prices tor diamonds R. Layehberg. 159 South Main. Bait Lake v Phoni w . ". :; I LAROE clean r:ik"s wanted j' Suuidsril Kxainlner u'Mrn 7j EXPERT Curnltnre packing, repairing re-1 re-1 finishing and Other job work. Phon 1115 1 : 9774 VWJ I EU Female Help RXPERIENCED snlcslad; foi baki ry and . 111.lv dcpartincnt. 24S9 Washington. Kerns. 4 WOMAN foi general housework, .T'i'l l i Twenty-fourth fetrogt; 9921 GIRL at 1433 Twenty-fifth Call or phone 1 V. T! 1 I.M.- .1 Miillinery h Ip Elisabeth Sutherland. Z32o Washington. I 902S RACK numbem 01 Keedlecraft Ua'gazlne'. Write l5ox 73. card StandardExaznlncr, sf:7 WOMAN to inn hoarding house: good 1 ropoaltlon. PhQm ' 1 R 1. 98.54 si M.i. ..1,1 1.. . -it.- roi -1 . -hi id. i-7" v hbi Lon '' '" ORMS8MA K I i imik-lii l" any '. II lug' to apply. Madam Caplau. Wright'. 5385 li'.IRl. Ii-r :;i ii. r.rl huiLwrturk. i .n- HAL I . v "l. .1 Hi 1 1' h' t"V Hlrh ! l'-t v ' ' 11 lv In 1 ' 1 -"M 1 : WAN . ED iVt a;e Help : , 1 I c ' . .1 ui. . ."-li. '.'I, I . An : . 1. ... bi 11. 1 Stai 1 ri' hi 07"') IKS-,;. .1 ilco for -it) :i. r..i.- I .in.. I 'Jnniea Oahl. Battle Mountain. Nevada. 0438 TO III'Y yo'ii U ed phonograph records :,nv make. The Record Exchange, 411 In...' ... .UI..I 11 WAMTED Situations GOOD hou eki per 1 nl po ItTon In refined re-fined homo whero slie ran have full charge. References. Box 99, care Stand- j ! ;-i; v.. k bj daj or contract. Phone 3826 M Jadison avenue. 9930 i.i', at 324B Steven avenue wartti Iron- in- PI oni ' -' W M94 n'! w in r I wants worl. by da) ni 1 Phoi ' -' '21 1 OLORED 1 plrl wlahea work for . PHo 1. 183J 9776 rri;TiS liiiiii'l. -red :md work l hour j r-..r. 9223 M I. kindfi of odd job:-, wnnled. Phone; ?5 l XING . nun Mid In -uhbery. shado . , 1 i,.. . , r'...n.- .':7-W M06 LOSJ 1 ; 1 1 . . ui; : i,'; .nli 1 1 f i 1 1 - I S Valued as keepsake. Finder please return re-turn to iv a. Shoemaker. V. S. forest 1 1 .-'I I ' ' ' . ' 'I " " ' ii'1 '! " . nth on Adam--' avenue, five dollar hill. Flndei 1 return. 3704 Adams. 0951 STB vyki or t.ih n. valuable screw tall Boston terrier. Kinder please- notify S. C. -LaKrenlere, Phono S574-W. Reward. 9955 MOSS agate linger ring ladles' dressing dress-ing room Wright's. Leave at Wright s Reward. ALL cfc 1 ' v pin Ith paarl in centor. Heirloom In family. Reward. Finder communicate with Box i3. car? 1 Standard E camlner. -lh6" I HUNTSVILLE boy who look basketball 1 from df school floor last Thursday night had better return it Quick and eava IrHllll". I'll, 'lie rH J I . v l,r.-e. about li en old I pound Phone anv Information to 2S27-W or ngr . .I'll W .I.-llMl '" N TIHN l. I.i. . I. ... '1- In f'ont of Eagle,' hall. RetniTi to 3204 W alh PERSONAL PALMIST, card snd cl tractor reading, on- half block from library 457 Twenty- . brth :-' eg 9919 OENEALi 11 '. 1 ST Merlin .1 - ,; ' Grant Ave. makes a specialty of facing fac-ing genealogy. Thoso interested Hhoujd , ;,ll . 11I Pili i- i:-.-i ir K'i:i.l.Y has returned. Character Char-acter and card reading. 449 26th Slreetf1 POULTRY AMD l:GGS TIIi)KU'OHP.P.i;i s. C ll. 1. lied 1 erel and hatching egga from prize winning r 1 SECUNU-HAiIU GOODS IilMi:.ST prices paid lor r- ond nand KQckIw, Stowe. 1800 Waablngton ''b Wt: ihkk- our oia iim" as lirai psyrmonj on any new ranca. or will bay vour ia ranie OUtllgbt lljino Fumltur Co. 4i73 f jOR SALE Autos I lhatmcra fi-30 730 1 Oakland '16 ' . 14 50 1 t, ...... 'i r2Ki) )T 'H 191 1 ; 1M o WEBKR -TAYLOR MOTOR CO. M Ifeon v 1 Used Ford earn and trueM. Ve can use your old enrs as part payment, we tell you the truth and .-.rk 't up. HHthertson Bros . 3C14 Wasfflna?- 9M7 ns. .1 . ..... l.wV.' s;i0 Phone 340. corner Twenty-1 thli.l..n. V I BRt iWMNV.'S OKPKNL" Mil l: USED CARS I By COrefull) inspecting all cars on I trades and accepting onl) those that are! serviceable, wr- nro enabled to Mil used " md aasure the buyer of satisfaction. lil ms . xpiatn our small payment plan Piilrk 1 4.r. touring. .1 land 'to chummy Rulek 4-23 touring. V lll a 6 louring. Maxwell 2.1-1 touring, overland 90 louring. 1 Qrmnj j 1 ': ' ' . ... ear denier. 4:S Twenty-third street. Phone I861-W. Tires, oil. accessories, repairs. Let me Ball voi:r car 99H3 " " ' .t. : ' l' mis. ..II J- 1 1 ". . .1 touring car Ford 1 ton truck with canopy top. Nash 2-ton truck good as new Chevrolet 1-ton. pneumatic tires Nash 1-ton. pneumatic tires Hupp touring Chalmers touring I I ' kle nd touring Maxwell touring Overland roadatoi P.uick 1-our touring-Nash touring-Nash demonstrator All in first lass mechanical condition. PA'IFh' N A SI 1 MOTOR COMPANY 2200 Washington Ave. Ogden 9K12 CHEESM VN s RENEWED AUTOMOBILES, DODGE TOT Hi NO. IC95 CASH TERMS I IK DESDiED, Bl R K i: r, SIX CYLINDER TOl'RING. "I IMi O J-II TI'P.MS A I .SO. 1917 OVERLAND ROADSTER. I'.'l'i 0 !:!!. M T o I ' R I X 1 ; . l"is lOlr,E ROADSTER. 1918 DOIKJE TOl'RING WIRE WHEELS ms in km km mi. prn'R Toi'ltlNG 191S IR-ICK SEVEN PASSENGER YOI' CAN i 'MOOSE VOI R CAR NOW ON OI'R rj PNYMENT PI VN VM WHEN YOB HAVE MADE FOUR PAY-M PAY-M i:TS Yor . N T V K B DELIVERY OF CAR. NO STORAGE CHARGED DURING 1XITIVL PAYMENTS CHEE6MAN AUTOMOBILE C O. 266G Wa.hinbton Avcnuo Phono 325 996 ! DRESSMAKING CORSETS, accoidlan plcatlngs, hem-1 tltchlng, buttons mode to order. Mail orders solicited. Kid Tailored Corel Par lor. in E. Broadwav. Salt Lake City. 9866 ; I PI-.-SMAiMNG. sewing hildi-nsi cloth'.j 11 peclalty. At 050 Twenty-eighth St 9781 3 1 '. . ING MACHINES REPAIREI 1 1 Have ou work done by a reliable firm. You can always find a business house. If done by individual you have no I comeback We guarantee our work. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. 2277 Washington Ave. Phone 2SS4 Good used machines for sale. 9782 . oil.--.', tso Teli i ii. Mie 335S - w. 9783 i DESIGN, . ! and Ml drosses, You i.m j he your own seamstress. Services unique ;.nd convenient. Stop In or telephone and let rni tell you about It. 2112 Adams enui 1 ' 1 !1 6 W 969 I I iRP.SSMA KIN'i ;. uniroidr ring beading 1 crocheting, knitting. Phono 2017-M. finin Hemstitching plcot eoge. bullone. pim.-Irig pim.-Irig ond pleating Second floor W. H. I Wrl:hi or g Mr. H I aynifej 11W MONEY TO LOAN w ni.- . diamonds, kodaks revolvers ond guns. Uncle Sam, 278 Twenty-firth gtreej Q'.'i" ! MO . i ; V to loan on improved rep testate. H.-irlck. 7JJ k H V r national banks rlo for big busl ncss. we do for tho man or woman who 1 work.' on a salary. Ell Dtx. 21:7 Hudson t huildmu. Business Opportunities '.'.- . .-, r. .... 'i-.ii. . Fi s-ih- eii'ap tor casli. Terms or lease. Ulackfool rdaho 9870 BASEMENTi newlj finished, front en. trance, Washington avenue. Herbet' E. Smith Co . Upstairs Commercial sank I Bldg. 9695 Information Bureau 2.00 PER LINE PER MONTH AN VT H I NO A TO 2 Bought, sold or traded. Phone 3C3. AUTO PARTS Auto parts. What uu nr. w n hnvr. ! Auto Salvage. 8348 Grant 9933 j AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ' !. R. Knlghl Phone fA6 9824 BOOKS AND STATIONERY Brmmwcll Book and Stationery. 23S3 -ion avenue. Phone 300. 20o1 B A N K I ,J G Utah NV.t'inal Rink, routheart c.-mr Twenty-fourth tnd NV'ashington Phone 81 CONTRACTORS Johnstone & Mi-forml. k. contractors and builders. 2T?.i V.lams avenue. If you arc polng to build see us or phone 1725-J. Estimate. . h." On'l- glen 9C." I CEMENT BLOCKS Boi cement blocks phone 1660 J- Jin CARPENTER WORK For carpenter and cabinet work. re. pairs, store front, fixtures, call Tel. 1725 J shop 2472 Llncoll. veiiue I6H Cabinets or i. ;.-ir work. Phone 125. 1 1 1 I CHIMNEY SVVFEP. Ogden Chimney Sweep. Phone 3047. CARPET CLEANING Ogden Carpet Cleaning Co.. for first class work. FpholsfcrlnR' and mattreas making. Phone 27C2-J K. 'nn Kampen. Expert carper cleaning, upholstering, mattresses mftde over, feathers renovated. Call E J Hampton Co., MT86-W. 4234 CITY JUNK HOUSE Phono U3. 225S 60 Washington Ave 79J DENTISTS The New Method Dentists are apcclal tsts in all branches of Dentistry. 2 463 w.i hinion avenue. 2209 ENGRAVI NO Oirdcn Kngrnvlng SersMce. Cc. Makers of fine cuts In one or moro colors. 416 Twenty-fourth street. Phono 463. rRUITS Get your fruit at N. Varcla's Fruit Store, 324 Twenty fourth strcft Onlv tfio 884? JUNK AND HIDES Ogden Junk House. 2014 Washington Ave Phone 2I0 9781 WV 1 rn Hide ,v- ,lL.r.k Co.. 2323 V.'aih Ingion avenue Phone 861. LIFE INSURANCE J. P. Corry. Phone 2434. 429 Eccles Bldg. su n Geo. D. Bennett corporation snd gTOup Insuronce a specialty Phone 124 W, 131 i PLUM3ING A P. Sumrall. Plumbing. Heating. Re pairing 1116 Washington avenue. Phone nUitf-Vr. 8103 REAL ESTATE Wlllard Kay, real estate and loans, j 2474 Washington Ave. Phono 409. )"l SA.XAPHONES Taught, sold, repaired. Phor,- 1477.W. .' 13 1 STOVE REPAIRING Stoves repaired, cleaned, set up. Coun. try orders solicited. Phono 3554 W. STEAMSHIP TICKETS Steamship Agency. 2370 Washington avenue Phone 1 1 ' 6 2147 M 882. SCAVENGER McCarty & Co. hauling rub'jlsh and ashes Phone jnis W 852? BCAVENQER Cartings and rubbish hunted, ccsspolls and toilets cleaned. John ChlpT & Co. Phone ?,28. 2348 Hudson Avenue. 97 TYPE'WPITING- Professional typewriting. Phone 2704-M TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk and bag repairing around cor ner lrom stmdard Oallachcr'a, 2373 Hud son 2118 WALL PAPER CLEANING 'leaning, wall paper and tint. Phone 2396-M. .19 WINDOWS CLEAN EO Expert window and wall paper clean lng. American Window Cleaning. Ph. S:3 |