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Show Iermany wants u. s. as arbiter on terms I MINISTRY OF I FINANCE FIXES 1XIB SUM Germany Declares Most She J Can Pay is 150 Billion Gold Marks WOULD CONSIDER RUHR INVASION tWAR ACT Plans to Ask United States to Serve As Arbiter of Dispute BE Ft LIN, Fob. 11 (Dy the Asso- elated Press) Tho ministry of fin- H ancc has reached the conclusion that H the utmost Germany can pay in re- H paratione is 1 GO, OOO.OOO.OOO marks. B this including all she has so far paid H in cash and goods, uccordlng to tnfor- H mation which the Deutsche Zeltumr H says It has received from a "special" IH This 150,000.000.000 marks would bo paid off In thirty years under the H plan outlined by the newspaper's in- H formant. who also Is quoted as de- J daring that the proposal to pay It H would he submitted to the authorities H at Paris for the purpose of learning H whether the coming Landon confer- enco on reparations will permit of it H ! consideration along with the allied H 'proposals adopted at the recent Paris H ACT OF WAR ! Refusal to allow consideration of H jthe German counter-proposal would H result in Germany absenting herself H from the London confereee, set for I j March 1 tho newspaper declares it H has learned. it addq that German H I would then BUggCSt lint the United H States be called hi as an arbitrator for jH the purpose of preventing the entente H j from adopting- me 1 mrl 8 such as an Sn- ,H jvaston of the Ruhr district, which it declares would be looked upon by Ger- H many as an act of war which would H positively destroy the treaty of Ver- sailles. M Y POSTPONE EVENT In the Deutsche Zeitung article the H sugge-stlon was made that while the jH .entente was extremely desirous of J 1 bringing aboul the London conference H it was not unlikely that the dallbem- Itions would be postponed to a data H I around the middle 'of Mnreh in order ;to give the new Washington govern-1 govern-1 ment an opportunity to participate In them |