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Show I 11 I Prior to moving into our new I V" location at 2303 Washington I I I ji sale on the follow- f ing merchandise: HI I SPECIAL CLEANUP PRICES I SHIRTS 200 Genuine Army Shirts, all wool, reclaimed; good enough to work in for the laborer. While they last $1.95 B RAINCOATS 50 Genuine Army Raincoats, reclaimed; good condi-H condi-H tion for the laborer. While they last $2.95 Shirts, O. D. Wool $2.89 to $4.89 B 1 Union Suits $1.69 to $2.89 m H Shoes $4.45 to $6.95 Breeches $2.45 to $6.45 E l We have a limited amount of canned meat left. Everything for the farmer, laborer. camper and outer. Open Daily Until 6 p. m. ; Open Saturday Until 8 p. m. N I UTAH SURPLUS ARMY, NAVY & COMMERCIAL I GOODS STORE Berthana Hall Building, 319 Twenty-fourth Street, Ogden, Utah -"J Main Headquarters. Walker Bank Building, Salt Lake City k: 4R a choice confection for family and guests. Everybody I i i- tho party a delicious likes it. It has a nch choco- ALSO after-dinner dessert a laty flavor, a wholesome tasto Prepared in K ,, that is indescribably delicious. cordance with the wholesome satisfier of that directions on the "sweet chocolate longing"- And this is only one of the package R 0 o f I , . , four uses of McDonalds Eoof Garden Chocolate trv RooJ Ufirde.n ( hocolate. , . . . TTT.,, makes raraen Chocolate. V ith it you my-- Break LI up and serve it to your make a dainty hot choco- A d1eIicio fh- I " " late. Wtih it you can also ice REAL rhoco- wt a -ake or coat bonbons to a por- 'ae icing. j i I 4j$$ ' ' ' U - fection of smooth glossiness. An unexcelled I Audit requires noeggs.no home-made' I JGmUBmm fP favoring ' : - :rV ' :vv - -no other ingredient at all. a "different" hot Llfr-, . ', Simnln dircftions for all uses chocolate. rffe? "ft- frf thePfcka-it,RT10f Eat itdrink it MS ' I r'SOhTT hlt of trmiblp and thp results with it: ' arc assured. ' 1 m Eat It Anytime -Day ot Night and rts ease of digestion di-gestion and sound food value will give you Contented Nourishment The food is Grape'Nuts There's a Reason" whatvk,sn I Favorite Sport? j j UHsBBsHlslsBlViBBl j. nmnerlaiid St-andard orToorist Sleepevr? Shortened fchednler v EIHcient Service V Interening" rcenei'y enioHte v j -y Dont fail to see lie Grand- V I C Canyon oPArizona .- Petrified ToJf-' Yoremhe Valley and the lndianr ot we i ' |