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Show X v. ,, PAGE TEN THE BINGHAM PRESS-BULLETI-N , - , Old Superstition An ancient superstition, which pre-vails In aoma parts of England and America, la that in leap year "beans 0row on the wrong aide of the pod." Test of Right The proof of a tiling's being r'i't la that tt hae the power over, ttie ht-u- : that tt excitea us, wina ua or help 114. Kunkln. Kesping Natural WavsX . , , .. doth made from the wool of Wensleydale sheep can, after wearing. r .... 1 be Induced to acquire the natural Jr way characteristic of these aheep. " JP First to "Striks" Oil The first oil well in the United Statea was struck In 1859. E. I.. Drake was the man who opened the war to the rest Industry by discovering de-posits of crude oil la Pennsylvania. No Rett for Sinners Justice la only a few Jumps behind the most clever sinner. There la no reat for the wicked, a guilty conscience Is ever on the burning sands. Ex-change, . In Good Queen Bess Tim Scratch-back- s were considered good form in the time of Good Queen Bess, and were carried and used by milady both at home and abroad. They were made ornamental as well as useful. Florida's Long Const Lint , Florida haa a longer cmist line than . - any other atate. Its length la almost twelve hundred miles, more than half ;..''. the distance between Chicago and ' Ban Francisco, California la second In this respect, with more than one thou-sand miles of coast Una. Somo au-thorities are Inclined to give the pref-erence to California, thera being so little difference between the U lengths. Millions Use Playgrounds Two million chlldaen enjoy public playgrounds of this country. l AUTO REPAIRING I TIRE REPAIRING ! J ' I I STORAGE $ ? I j Canyon Garage I I , Markham at Main Street t ; " " , Phone 333 . ! REDUCED M Effective December 2nd, the Ford Motor Company .an-nounces new low prices on all Ford cars. A reduction ! of twenty-fiv- e dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices -- on all other types make Ford cars even greater value than ever before. ; i - NEW PRICES t Runabout - ' - - - $260 y ; - ' Touting Cat - - $290 V ? Coupe $520 !' f Tudor Sedan - - - $580 Fotdot Sedan - - $660 . .. Chassis - - - - - $225 V Ttuck Chassis ll : - - - - $365 .'....- All Prices f.o.b. Detroit These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor Company. They create a new standard of value for motor car transportation. SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER jaajjsjjajsjjjjjjjjM ,v.;.;i , - I j When you are young, the whole world is before you and just how t much of it you 'conquer, rests with you. ...... -- T The best start a young man can make is to work hard and f $ REGULARLY bank a part of hia earnings. , It won't be long before he is '"noticed" and soon the older men are relying upon him and he X J rapidly cornea to the front ""' .1 t Young Man, come in, start that bank account today $1.00 will do it and it is uj to you to keep up your deposits regularly and sue- - T I "ei . t X We will welcome you ' .. $ I i CENTRAL BANK OF BINGHAM J ' X We Seek More Business on Our Record ., - - ' I ; 0UR: LABEL is your guarantee ! ? " ' . ' ' '', ' T , J That ROYAL BREAD is absolutely f " J . HI. .;. pure and clean; , - - . -- ' - ' That it is made by expert bakers in a : "J"1 ; modern shop; ; - ; T - -"- "-- '"" That it is made and handled in a san- - J '" "i" . itary way; . v j That it is the best food obtainable any- - ; where in the world. ;' I y V I I The bread that made I tow I , ' !;.' :& mother quit bakimi Sj , , '" ' T. r'": T T i . j - v ( r. I BREAD i your best food T eat more of it J - ' ' fjoio M,;,- - The largest c - (PTPyjcW fcl , I?.- - V- ... -- " ; ' ; gi Cfjf v2$ffiL'' mw wonderf ul. array of dolls t TRAINS Q gj . s Ki ' ' 1 ' Dolls that walk, talk and If you want to see the very latest in trains I f rffiiQ. V(it sleep,1 and with real hair that really run, and do not get out of order Ji JL 0 ' tTTmI . every few minutes, come in and see our g ScL- - ICE SKATES' ' iilLj too. Mama ... dolls, kid B 4 0. 'TTtT elaborate stock. Never in the history of f NS. With a new ice pond being fixed in Bing- - JU dolls, and every kind of Q . v ham Canyon, it behooves every youngster W. H . , . toy making have such wonderful trains 'gl : in the camp to own his ice skates. A most WW doll that is ma e is bg been put on the market and we have the S SKI'S suitable gift for out door life. found in this department. very best In this department you will Never have we had such a complete line ROLLER SKATES Bring the girls in and let : find our line of mechanical toys,' second to & of Ski's and they are reasonably priced. We have the Ball Bearing and the Semi- - them pick out their favor-- none. Let. us show you what the kiddies f Gctthe'.,dap3irofSki-- S forChriS.ma, W " 'tc' al.y want for Christmas. .bt . , . : - ' " " ' .... - ... T l '' 0 ' - ST- TOOLESTS S S Oof wagons is the most complete SLEDS. Just like ''daddy-ha- f s, Footballs Baseballs andev-- containing saws, I Basket Balls, m An slze$ and a kmds af prkcs Qur ,me of sUds thls ?sscs av chiscls, files, hammers, A . & erything in the sporting goods line. A that compare with any in the state. Let th.ng we have ever stocked Big malIcts comSSf bracelnd bit, miter box g1 pair of boxing gloves is just what he has the growing child enjoy the great out-o- f- sleds' h"lc "eds and medium sleds. De -- and everything necessary to build that .ft been looking for. , doots with a wagon. rytaffiHr1 house. A most suitable gift for the boy. !j . . f . : 1 BOGAM HARDWARE CO. Try Bingham Canyon First I .' ', '' |