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Show Biaauieir r Opening of Hoop Reason to Tak Place- at High School Gym, Satur- , , 1 day Evening-Locala Have Many . - " tint Stars. ,. ' . The basketball season will have its - " " ; opening here Saturday evening of this I '. week at the high-school gymnasium : when Homer Christensen will bring ; ,"" his West High Panther here for si . practice gam with Tommy McMul- , lin'a cohorts. ' Although the game is not a regular scheduled affair, but merely a method of allowing the coaches to get a line on the dieeffntrcrafwypshrdlucmwfy the dirfrreflr ti'il3HJla, enever; ; the-tess the contest should be well k worth seeing, as the locals KrVe plenty" . of material this year, and CodrMrt .it vt Uullin is giving them severe" workouts,'"" "Jl"Vv' each evening in an effort to get them ; ' into condition for the- West High; ' '; game.,. ' '. ; ' " '' ' '::'.. J.-$ '' " . ; Oi last year's, first team, but 'two men remain, Victte tuid AUias, but many of last year's second team have shown such rapid improvement that . the local mentor is more than satisfied satis-fied with the showing made thus 'far.' ,' Viette, Allias, Brady, Chad wick, . : Hall and O'Neal are ready at a. minute's min-ute's notice to take their place at for-ward, for-ward, while Bodmer, Adams and Vra-nish Vra-nish are willing to play center. Dahl-strom Dahl-strom and Patton and Kosovich form a trig of guards hard to beat, and all in all it looks as though Homer Christensen Chris-tensen and bis gang will have their ' ; hands full tomorrow evening. ' The game will start at 8 sharp. ' ' .. " |