Show PANEGYRIC ON we publish the telegraphic report of the speech with which senator conkling new york the name of gen grant for the nomination at tho chicago convention conkling spoke with great deliberation era tion in clear tones and in hi usually impressive manner his mention of the name of grant aia received with renewed demon atra lion two or three minutes the speech was an eloquent panegyric of the life and services of grant the need of the hour was not a candidate who donld only carry state which are surely republican but who could carry the doubtful states south as well as north grant could carry the doubtful stale ot new york and several in the south applause th e calumny against him bal all been exploded the powder already burned once and leathia nime untarnished when those who tried to tarnish that name shall have moul dered in forgotten graves applause grants fame will remain pure and bright in the hearts of the peo pie never elated in success he has manifested the very genius of success he commended his civic policy in international arbitration in inflation and paving the way for specie resumption to him immeasurably more than any other is due the fact that avery pa per dollar is as good as gold with him as a leader we should have no defensive campaign applause nothing to explain away and no s to make the shafts and arrows have all been aimed at him and lie broken at his feet ap use ile briefly reviewed the third objections to grant and urged that it was no objection o any man eliat ho biad been weighed in the balance and not found wanting or that had obtained experience which rendered him better fitted for the duties confided to his caro when lio had occupied thirty minutes there were loud calls fro the galleries of time aimel but he paid no attention to them and was soon permitted to proceed A little later lie referred to grant as being telegraph wires running in from aji houp hou p nto this con vennon which was evidently construed as an insinuation ngi ints biarne this was greeted with laughter and storm of hisses and loud cries of time aimel which continued un HI a delegate appealed to the american people to listen Q the man to finish ire was then permitted to proceed until he referred to elec tio contrivances which excited another outburst of objections towards the conclusion losard the convention was master of a supreme opportunity it can make the next president and also make sure of ass peaceful inauguration it can break that power which south the democratic demo critic success is a menace to order and progress ahls copen tion cap overthrow and a solid south it can make lican army march to certain victory with As conkling took his seat there was another scene of disorder and immense cheering among the support era which continued during fifteen minutes bradlay Brad lcy of kentucky then seconded aranta nomination in a brief but eloquent five minutes speech the french senate lias adopted the bill proy dinK for a convention united states settling the indemnity due to pre from america for damage sustained during the civil war |