Show EULOGY ON BLAINE in saturdays evening session nf the chicago conven lioi the roll of states was called for the presentation of the candidates for nomination after some reference to the public life of his proposed nominee joy presented for nomination to the presidency jas G blame pixley of california seconded the nomination of Blain eai follows air president aal gentlemen delegates I have been assigned to the performance of a prominent duty by the choice of my colleagues and ho courtesy of the friend of mr blaine Bli ine I have li ean accorded the privilege of seconding his nomination as candidate ol 01 the lican party for the office of ilont of the united states all the delegates of the territories of washington idaho and arizona the tales of oregon nevada and cali fornia constituting the empire of the pacific A grander and prouder empire than the sun anywhere i upon unite with me in the pleasure of this opportunity to beconi the nomination of mr blaine and will supplement the campli nestby casting for him the united vole of all the delegates of all the states an i territories of the pacilio coast our delegation limited in number represents an empire broad in territorial area extending with alaska aiom the eternal ice oatlie north to the semitropical belt where lie apple and tho pine grow tide by ide side s extending extend inz from wah ed golden and the gestern Te stern sea to alie hibbad mountains that separate but do not divide us from you our eastern friends embracing u present wealth of gold wd giacin and wine and wood and incalculable linture wealth that will astonish the world it is a broad and splendid domain its golden gates stand wide open to ummil taft rich commerce of the orient and to welcome the a necessary to its en jov ment it is the furuie home of your children it is the inheritance your bons it is alie rich dower of your daughters and because we think that the nomination of james G by this convention will result in his becoming president of the united stales and because we think and all our republican people think that us president ho will help to euard this rich empire from an alien invasion and keep and guard it us the house and icher ilance and dower of all the sons and daughters of tins christian common wealth washington territory idaho and arizona oregon nevada and california havo sent us a del cation to cist an unbroken voto for he distinguished gentlemen and senator from maine in him we raco nige the distinguished ability iho unflinching nerve which is demanded in the performance of public duties fie possession posses eion of an unstained name which barlis an malice has been un ble to blacken the possession of a brave heart that embraces in its magnetic sympathy all hh countrymen who lere their country honor its institutions and oby its laws lie is gifted eloquent n nd braye he ih patriotic honest nud true he has een trusted in long public service aad may be fiill trusted lie will carry with his great no per sonna presentments resentments resent ments lie will bring t the discharge of his official duties no local or sectional pre judi aca lie is broadminded broad minded compre and generoli gener oui in the exercise of an undaunted moral courage lie will anre to defy i he baser political el cements and pien of tho nation lie will c ill into the councils of his administration lie tried and honored and roan he iiii lui ort to the fullert extent the power and the prerogatives of the presidential office to secure to the citizen the protection law he will in the herfor mance of his executive duller clrk no responsibility nor seek to aboid any duty required of him by the constitution and the law ills borni nation will violate none of the time honored traditions of the country fiat in their long continued existence and force have become a portion ot the unwritten law of the land a tra dilion eliat ought to be more inviolable than formulated laws and as sacred aa the written constitution of our forefathers ilia nomination is demanded by the majority of delegates from a solid republican north and ought to bo conceded by a solid south that has everything to nothing to give and that in the coming contest has everything t grin and nothing to lose but honor give us this gentleman as a candi date and wo of the ultimate north pledge to you he service of gallant band ofTe publican soldiers that has now for these twenty held and ho frontier outposts out of your republican army we have never been surprised or been we have never flinched H ficht nor lost a presidential batttle wo havo never allowed a democratic electoral vote to be deposited in tho electoral urn since we have been welcomed to the sisterhood of slated give us aliis gentleman for a candidate and we go back to our distant homes with banners alyine with glad proud hearts our people will wel boino and us our western sea shall sound its roaring of gladness across the continent answer your eastern ocean our pine clad sierras shall bo w graceful courtesy to the bending pinea of main we will give the electoral votes to make camei G alie best president of the united states |