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Show This Year Brought Another Eddie , Collins Into Big League Baseball -A. - ... i y r- ! B lr IS RXYDER 1 The nan.' of Collins has been a bright one in bescba?l annals ewi since Bddie put on an Athletic uniform back In 19U6. Foul pears inter John bame along and signed a U hlle Sox con-tnci. con-tnci. This year has brought another. II' i in- I'm strapping pitcher Warren War-ren "'Rip' CQlllns of the lankees. And "Li ., he is known around' the buzzing places In vow York, ap-' piars to have ine goods. Airead) h 'a established the name of having thp mdsi nerve of anv pis) er in baseball a: th present time He halls from austtn, TV.., where thev carry puns and shoot on sinht. Maybe that's th answer, S HJll DTH I s With only on year s experience ns a minor leatTper, he came to th- hardest hard-est city In tne big gani" lanes in which , to break In and unads hitne ir solid. When Lob Connery, Yank scout, took him td the traininir camp last ttpiing he turned over th- lanky r;ght-hender r;ght-hender to Miller Hotrglns with th.' ' compliment that "'RId" had the best curve of any pitcher in the bush cir- . cuit.v j' They don't fir.- what the Texas J "t"w t;un" man has now in New York " ' Ir. ihe way of shoots and slants. Thv have found him to be fighter . r" lh firsi water and that hs carrlei th hear: of a lion. The newtsi addition the Cojlins family Is 2 4 years Old. weighs 1X5 solid pounds, stands '. ( t 1 i ' h tall. I D11 I S GUI 1 I 3 I The White Sox liaic the monopoly on the other two members of the Collins Col-lins family. It wax ten years ago that they t.:g-ced t.:g-ced BddlS Collins as the greatest sec-rind sec-rind baseman In the show. H'- w 1 1 :hen a member of Connie Mack's wonderful won-derful machine. Chbig,-. fcmieht th ?r 1n 1915 for h reported price of 350.000. f e irned the name of being the nlest msn in baseball long ago ami h 1 no peer in Mill dualltV even to this do) He has stool the test of tlmu with hs speed, heady base running, timely hitting, brilliant fielding and unexcelled Judgment. Eddie is 33 years old now, but still hustles like a youngster of 20. f the I tbn e great keystoners of the last 2'l years, lajole, Bvers and Collins, the Chicago.".. 1 surives. True In lian -ntaay more years of stardom before him, but there's no one VCt who can I'nke up the pace that he Is still eet- : "X7T, tvT 1 r : .. . , U). 1 - k 1 'Ir.c. He ha played in six world series. SHA1 Mis- CHANCE With "Rip" and Eddie personified as nerve and brains respectively, this Other fello.v. John "8haUno" Collins, holds a ,iniiie relation to the Sox. It ha- bee,, h1- il nt for 10 long years to be n second-strlnirer playing i 1 when ;ici Ident or einereency gave lilm the opportunity. Qn any other team he'd have been a recular. He lh veteran of 'he team In poinl of 1 rVice and Kid Gleason Is nsln? him for the first time as a regular regu-lar this year as a firrt baseman. John in a quiet, unassuming fellow. L'ke Kd'lie. iie is a hustle;. lie a rt 4 e.,rs old. SPECIAL HONOR White Sox fans :;re roine to make Sep'.. 1) a "John (Shauno) Collins"' day at Comiskey Park. They all want to show him their appreciation of hav-Ing hav-Ing Stepped into the breach left vacant by Chick Gandil And so with Eddie still rated as the best second baseman In the big leagues ami John getting hi.i first real chance ami making good, while the young Texan, ' Rip" is blossoming out with the Vanks. It looks like the name ot Collins will rattle on down the hall of time for vears to come. |