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Show I TODAY AND T T HP A TJ" u" I TOMORROW V X 1 HI Life i 1 KING W. VIDOR present "THE FAMILY HONOR" j il- lJ A tender love story J f A Thrilling Drama and romance of the J F I of an aristocratic Sunny Southland J p J youth ttm. " y ""r -mi JL iwfeM93fflHM honor, of vino tov jfr, 2SBB w laRB fT, ercd m a n s s, of 1 ? The Cards of 'iTt JpW i.c Life are Face Yj wl" National Up! fJ w Attraction lnn' MATINEES, 10c AND 2Cc; EVENINGS, 10c AND 25c 2 You will all shake with laughter when you see Wallace Wal-lace Reid and Bebe Daniels in "Sick Abed," starting Sunday l at Utah. I OGDEN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC (Seventh Year) I REOPENS THIS WEEK j Instractiyi in Piano, Violin, Voice; advanced, interme- j diate and primary instruction in class and individual j form. Theory of music, classes in solfegge, harmony. j history and appreciation of music. I Children's Classes, Correct Methods, Reasonable Terms I FACULTY J Squire Coope Ellen Thomas Arthur Freber Elizabeth Culley ! Lester Hinchcliff Vera Beason I and Assistant Teachers a Registration Daily 3 to 6 p. m. I ia Conservatory Hall: Corner Washington Avenue and fJ Twenty-fourth Street, Third Floor BBBBBsl BSBBBSBBBn WWSSB BBBBBBBBBsl V'tiY&'-WH TO1 Real Quality Meats Don't be misled in the quality of our meats just because the price is cheap. Try a roast or steak Saturday from any of our markets and you will be one of our army of satisfied customers. Saturday's Unusual Bargains 25c Weiners, 2 pounds 35c 40c Prime Rolled Rib Roast, pound 25c 40c Sirloin Beef Roast, pound 22c 35c Round Steak, pound 22c ur Regular Prices 25c Standing; Rib Roast, pound .20c 40c Rolled Rib Roast, pound 30c 25c Rump Roast, pound 20c I 20c Pot Roast, pound 15c 1 25c Pot Roast, pound 18c Bj 30c Heel Boil, pound 20c B 40c Sirloin Steak, pound 27c I 45c T Bonc Steak, pound 32c 35c Round Steak, pound 27c H 25c Shoulder Steak, pound. 20c I 45c. Loin Pork Chops, pound 35c I 40c Loin Pork Roast, pound . 33c I 35c Shoulder Pork Roast, pound 30c 40c Shoulder Pork Steak, pound 32c I 10c Shoulder Pork Bones, pound 5c I 40c Spring Legs of Lamb, pound . 28c M 45c Spring Loin Lamb Chop?, pond 28.: B 35c Spring- Shoulder Lamb Chops, pound 25c I 25c Spring Lamb Stew, pound 121:c I 20c Brains, pound 10c 9 25c Hamburger, pound 20c I 550 Link Sausage, pound 25c -j Shop early and you will be sure and get the cuts of meat you j like best. r KEEPING WELL MEANS v J A CONSTANT FIGHT f" AGAINST CATARRH j Many d Is cava may bo described ai a catarrhal condition. Cousin, colda. njual 1 catarrh, stomach and bowel disordara are just a few of tho very common ills duo to B catarrh. I Pizht Itl Fight catarrh with a remedy of o-wred merit, a remedy which has a fl repuUUoo tor usefulness extending over hall a conlury -DR. HARTMAW'S wpe-ru-na I ! ! LEMON JUICE : j FOR FRECKLES j j Girls! Make beauty lotion Tor '. a few cents Try It1 ' " - Squeeze the Juice of two lemons iutt a bottle containing three ounces oi orchard white, shake well. hLiu 0u have a quarter pint of the best freckio end tan lotion, and complexion beaut Tier, at very, wr small co3t Your grocer nas the lemons and anv drug store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of orchard white for a few centf Massage this swectlv Iragrant lotion Into the face, neck arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes dla ippear an i how clear, soft and rosy white the skin becomes. Yes' It i. harmless and never Irritates Advertisement. "DANDERINE" ; Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. ! A few cents buys Dandenr.e. After i an application o: Danderine you can Rat find a fallen hair or any dandruff besides every hair shows new hfe. I t Igor, brlgh'nesr, more color and! thickness. After you eat always use E ATONIC (FOQ YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE 3 one or two tablets eat like candy. Instantly relieveslleartburn, Bloated Gassy Fcebng". Stops indigestion, food souring, repeating, headacheanu the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC is the bestremedy.it takes ! the harmful acids and gases right oat of the body and, of course, you get well. Tens of thousands wonderfully be- fited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drug-gut. drug-gut. Cost a trifle. . Please try itl J fJRANCIS WEI RATH, foreman JP : at Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, H Ohio, who declares he has improved 60 since taking Tanlac that no one ; would ever take him te be the same man. Says he gained fourteen pounds. "To look at rur today no on" would j ever take me to be l ho same person H I was before I began to take Tanlac. ihHI jit has simply done wonders for me, IssWro ;ind 1 want everybody lo know about this medicine." said Francis Weirath, foreman of a large department of the B11 j Goodrich Rubber Company plant at j Akron, Ohio. Mr. Weirath resides at MSilV'I 1210 West State street .that city. jlli "1 was In an awfully bad slate of i health for fourteen years, and during Ififl li Lhe past ten years I got to the point IIhIM; where life was a burden 1 suffered Wlfc I terribly with indigestion and dyspep- 3ia. I never had any appetite, and all - $tF 1 1 could eat for breakfast was a soft flHRnl I boiled egg and a little milk. I wotiVd V get so nervous and miserable that j I many a night I never slept a wink. iltt&l! i .'i u d when nothing would brin? me any i relief I had just about come to the. con- ltWiil;f elusion that my ease was hopeless. fllslra! I li-i.-en't taken but three bottles of I Tanlrtc. but I feel better than I have rcllllr felt for twelve years I've gained four- Keen pounds in weight, and am getting nil&ciij heavier and stronger every day. 1 SHE) jn.'ver have indigestion any more, my I appetite Is splendid, and 1 eat just any- Wfffli j hing and everything I want I sleep iwlll : i -ound every night, and all that tired, j vorn out feeling is gone. In fact, I am ij' rjl ! i well man in every way. LiiH "The men at the plant all tell me I P lam looking fine these days and get- gffijjP' ting fat. They all want to know what vP' I am doing to myself, and fis always a pleasure for me to tell them about tHim ' ! Tanlac." Tanlac Is rold In Ogden by A. R. jfRr'af1 Siolntre Drug Co Two busy stores. TIiw'f Adyertlsemi nt Kffi MOTHER! M "California S)Tiip cf Fin I Child's Best Laxative Accept "Calltorola" Syrup of t ign 1 only look fcr the name California on the package, then you pre sure jour I child Is having the best and most 1 1 bannless physic for the little stoinacn, M liver and bowels Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on eacn bottle. You must say 'California.' ASPIRIN 1 Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets or Aspirin" is genu Ino Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over 20 years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer "Bay-er packago" which contains proper dl rections to relieve Headache, Toothache. Tooth-ache. Earache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin As-pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Monoaceticacidester of Sallcyllcacid I Ki'if 0ID5 I (Tsblots or Granules) I E2L INDIGESTION Talc, dr, on tongue or vvith hot or cold water. I QUICK RELIEF! I Mce, 25-g0-75 ADK -Y SCOTT .OWNK fl MAKERS OF fcBJJ2iisilliJ |