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Show (PULES ATTACK I REDS Ai TAKE MOtfCf IVES Two Armored Trains Also Lost by Soviets on Northeastern North-eastern Front PEACE DEMANDS ON REDS OUTLINED AT WARSAW Pressing Needs of Wrangel Told by Anti-Bolshevik at New York WARSAW Sept. 9. (By The As- j soclated Press! The Polish armies on the northeastern front delivered a series of successful attacks upon the Russians today and look 3.300 prisoners, prison-ers, four guns and two armored trains. -oiami r n i. i,r u . WARSAW, Sept. 9. Decisions relative rela-tive to the military situation in Lithuania and peace terms to ie insisted in-sisted uposi by Poland at the conference confer-ence with soviet Russia at Riga were reached at a session of the council of defense held last night, but the government refuses to give any details relative to them. There are hints, in official quarter that M Grabskl. leader in the Polish diet, or Prince Saplcha may be selected president of the peace delegation, delega-tion, F.VtH'K A.FS WR W GF.L. NKW YORK. Sept. 10. The armed forces of General Wrangel in south Russia "seem to have found at last the right path.' which may lead to Russia's salvation. Professor Michae I Rostovtzeff. chalrnmn of the Russian Rus-sian liberation committeeln London, declared here last night In a discussion discus-sion of the anti-Bolshevist movement in his country. He came to the United States at the Invitation of the Uni-veraity Uni-veraity of Wisconsin, where he Is to lecture this fall Following an outline of the principle's prin-ciple's adopted by the government of General rangel. Professor Rostovtzeff Rostovt-zeff raid the "Insofar as I he Poles will fight the government f Lcnlne and Trotzky, and not Russia as such, insofar as they will not aspire to territories where Poles constitute an ethnic minority, Poland and her armies will be considered as friends and associates." R !. s N EI l The south Russian government should he rendered all assistance by the government and people of the 1'nited States, If America believer General Wrangel. ; principles "are practical and righteous," the professor profes-sor said, adding that Imperative measure to aid General Wrangel Include In-clude . "Assistance to the Wrangel government govern-ment in munitions and supplies- vast humanitarian assistance to the civil population within the "liberated regions." encouragement to commerce whl' h would seek economic relations with Russlu, and assistance to those1 Russians who have been compelled to leaVS their rountry and are barred from return." |