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Show Islsada Is Ihs Imllsa Oresa, If you should want nn Island that Is, sn uninhabited Island for the purpose pur-pose of occupying It alone, Hoblnson Crusoe like, or to use It for romantla Action or any other purpose, to the exclusion of all others In the world, you nerd have no trouble In finding one It you see fit to make a Journey to ths Indian Ocean. In the waters between Madagascar and India you can find murs than 10,000 of them, where there Is not a humnn being and where you can, If you will, be monarch mon-arch of all you survey. An English trsveler bss recently been among the siiigsa lilsnds that dot the western end of trur-tsidJin Oreun to make sn Inventory In-ventory of them snd reports that he counted 16,100 snd found only about 600 of them Inhabited. Now, there Is a good chanes fur any one who mny went sn Island. These particular islands is-lands sre not largo, as islands go, but very many of them sre sufllclent for tho puriTso of a Itohluson Crusoe or any other novel hero, or for evon a small colony of shipwrecked mariners or other persons who might be cast on one of them or seek for the purpose of msklng a home pretty much nut of Hit busy world. |