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Show SASKATCHEWAN, WESTERN CANADA is called the "oaroen - 1 ' OF EDEN," By a former Itaalileat ml Hs4 City. MliUlni. In a letter to tka Hoed City, Mlrhi-fan, Mlrhi-fan, Clarion, Mr. Jas. Q. Armatronf. I of Mnltford, Saskatchewan, says, writ ing oa J7IU May, isol: ' "This la a floe country for a poor loan, aa ha can go out on the hay lews and cut all the bay he needs. He 1 turn bla cattle out on the prairie, and when he la not using bla horses he tura them out also. Thera Is such ah abundance of food, they never wander wan-der away. ' "A lady, who has lived here eight J years told me that thl waa the orlgl- - I ' al 'Garden of Eden'. I certainly T would believe It, If wo could only And a ths apple treea. But as It Is, wa have . many varieties of fruit atrawberrlea, cranberries, saskatoon, huckleberries, red and black currants, dewberries, plums, red and black cherries, and rod raspberries. All of these fruits grow wild. Then the flowers that dot ths prairies, making them look like a real garden. We liuvo enten of ths wild red currants, and they nru equal 1 If not sujierior to thoso grown In Mlchlgr l. Wo have sweet corn T,i j Inrhis high. . tt,e Western tanner are all done seeding:, bninillrr.: cattle I and sheep shenrliiK are now ping ice- lug. Wool In only live cent a pc ind. , and many runcli.tra huve on Inuid lfit year's clip. I encloo you a imtutu blossom, slice of new potato, which measured Indiea whan cut. This Is no f a 1 1 y tule, us we are so much farther than Iteeil City. It la all facts. I'uniu up and see. This has been truly tailed ths 'garden of the west.' WHh (rolls and flower, lakes and streainii, flab and fowl, beau-, beau-, tlful rlvera, trad of timber and , mountains, wbut more dues a man want?" Information concerning nil parts of Western Canndn will be cheerfully ' given by communication with the agent of the government of Canada, whose advertisement appears cluo-wbore. |