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Show Y s . . ! j COALVILLE TIMES. runs muinn UTAH. ADMIRAL DEWET flUBNIT UTAH STATE NEWS. board of director Lathing retort hire decided that no liquor will bo sold at tbo resort the coming season. The Belt Lake clearing house associa-tio- o lest week adopted a resolution greet to establish aa assay v cffiee at Salt Lake Cify, f The outpet of the Potter grsystoo eeaeoc wee quarry at Colton the ver 0,000 loBLxutef the rock being hipped to Cythfornia points Leht bed received a first ciaee fire engine. Mm cart, hoee, etc. It bad abamic'p apperatue, and inturanee WhjArii now expected to go down. be report of the fieb and game warden of Utah county tbowe that I1S.000 king eon t, pt - t , worth of flab wee cold by thi flebermen f that eonuty during the paet year. There ia a threatened scarcity cl tnrkcye among the commission men. One Salt Lake firm hie contracted for 1,000 tnrbeye for the Chriatmaa trade, Boren Slmonaen and Charles May, of Monroe, have been arreeted on a charge pt setting on lire haystack belonging to Conetant Tboreaoo, of th earns place. , The cttisens of Tropic are completing ft reservoir which Is estimated to irri-gat3,000 scree three limes a year, and expert to bate it in readiness for nexi teaeon. f 5 Joe Doyle and Pat Goggln, of Park, In a fight last Friday, fcoyle Being a pistol,' fhootlag ble an- (agonist three times, inflicting painful flesh wounds tr The clearing house association of Salt Lake has passed resolutions .asking Utah's representatives In Washington to work for the abolition of war taxes relating to banka. . . The board of pres den la of canal Companies taking water from Utah lake (vlli memorialise congress for as appropriation of 1,000,000 to maka ft reservoir of Utah Lake. t Perleg the past season Bpringvtll had 850 acres of beelxTplanted which ftveragad sixteen Iona to the acre, sod Vapleton had 350 acres, which averaged " Pty, engaged , I i - - 'j I about twelve tons per acre. . Garfield Beach will not be opened thia season. The road to the beach la a narrow gauge, and there is not equipment to provld eatlafso-lor- y transportation to the reaorL rdfrremm ehaeorl- -' H. J 1 lor of the Knights of Pythias of the United State, and one of the leading ccrel society man is the world, visited tail Lake lodges Saturday and Monday. Alfred Moses, a sraelterntaa who at Taylorsville, was crushed to death by a descending elevator at the -Highland Boy smelter, Friday of last week. Be waa cut completely in two, The Redmond Reservoir eompaoy of flevier county ia spending 7,000 In building the dam of Bedmoad lake higher, so that Its area will be trebled. The Otter Creek Reservoir company is alao making axtenalve Improvements. The pries of floor In the Balt Lake market was again increased io cents per hundredweight last week, the new Icheduie tasking the prices to dealers 13,30 for high patent? f for straight grade hod 11.90 for the bakers' grade. The coal output of Utah reached the highest point on record last month, the Utah Fuel company, which controls all the principal mines In the etatel ship ping 130.000 tone of eoal. The shipments of coke are also steadily growauf-ficie- et - re-fid- es ' ' ing. The Irrigation companies ofFan gaitch and Circle Salleys, in Garfijd Bounty, are working" on a VeservJir which, when completed, will be one of th largest in tba southern part of tba elate. It ia located at llatchtowa, in , Garfield county, , v The sugar factory at Bprlngvilt has closed Its season after a aeventy-ain- a days run. During that Urns there baa been 39,497 tons of beeta cut up, tba employes havt received over 15,000 in wage, while the farmer will r cel re -- about 109,500 lor their beets.'. Frank Shurtliff, a boy, was convicted last week of having fired ' the shot which killed Mrs. Jana Wilson of Holiday, last June, Shurtliff and a half doxeo companions of hia age bad secured a keg of beer and were intoxi Bated when th shooting occurred. The boy were shooting a target rifle, and It claimed Shurtliff deliberately shot 1 at th YVLlsoa bom twice, on of th neck, from th effect of which aha died. Boy Kaign, th Salt Lak boy who shot W. 8. Haynes, a traveling salesman, has been held to the district court to answer a charge of ansault with intent to commit murder, Tb Is jured man I not yet out of danger, blood poisoning being feared. Jesa If. Smith, president of the Utah Wool Growers association, has returned from the meeting of the National Lira Stock association at Chicago sad reports a sncce-sf- ul meeting and that the live stock exhibit a( the stock yard was th finest aver bald. shot striking Mrs. Wilson in th RE- 19, 1898, & tkB? fro,i!'M ,t gin broken down, f TREATY RATIFIED HYTTME SENATE- - , Schley signaled ' to the Teas; The more eoal yon-taIn this smooth weather tha less yon will hav to take - tna . ' M tr2 i : 'J j Jmodora , ' diWf Only Mi TtUa CwItmUm Aft t him and to make th ton OppammmtM ke la Ileyti, that port, if poib!e ,r, , A 110:43 p. m.. May .27. Commodore Commodore Schley made no effort to ascertain whether the Spdntak squadrived off ron was in the harbor of Santiago; be ska lfajarlt; ILeport FMs CmimsSm efWla-lorI May 2 left said harbor entirely unguarded y VaacllatlB. Ifastna Wss El-rpKro-Xrs- 4. r1 from C pT m. "of May 28 W 5 p. m. ef ss4 Lseklsf la and eatabliabed a 1,Critt-d- a Xnim.1 Mthit May 27, and guarded only by tb aeout the day th slilp lay Cssl Sapplf CSsrutw-B.pors Sfc Paul front's p. as. May 27, aatU various in ; distance, as MWwSIsi-l- Mh ftefafft Csae 28. 8 about m. May yf , ; Aeslaa. p. nssaft SchUs Brt.ry la , der. At night they The flying squadron arrivad off th of vessels, beaded off harbor ,1 . Santiago fin Cuba, seven' The report of the Schley court of In- at only sufficient ape. mile sooth of Morro at 8 p, m. May 28 quiry was promulgated by Secretary eitions. The email ve . . 'P- - and eatabliabed a blockade. in are shorn two There of piuket duty Long Friday night. SanThe diatance to from Proeee Cienfuego ( Commodore Bchley-- ef reports. 'Admiral Beobast and AdCienfue- - tiago is 313 mile a Commodore Schely ntmoet miral Rameay' eoneur in the first, with th dtapaf eloM M did sot proceed with all dispatch from i which Is eigned by Admiral Dewey aa goa and block that 23, the Clenfuegoa to Santiago de Cuba. . gy ft matter of farm. .Admiral Dewey Early on the morning of May 29 the makea a separate report, although be --- r n Crietobal Colon end other vessels of isnsodef agrees with be finding of Tact fteb- - a dispatch from . if i, the Spanish squadron were discovered dated Key Writ, If, northed to by the others,4 The major-chie- f, in at anchor the harbor of Santiago, J i formed a on Admiral which condemn lily report Schley 1.200 about ' -Spanish yarde from the entrance. eleven points,' while Admiral Dewey of tha proabtilty i No was made by Commodore' da Cuba, P attempt In Sai uataio him moat places. squadron being in on May 29 or May 30 to capture ' .Cienfuego Schley him ordered aud I ;tq WHAT MAJORITT nXDS or destroy these Spanish vessels.' , .josltive the receipt of Tb majority npioiow flodsln brief until At 7:43 p. m. May 28, Commodore formation,' shatldaind Schley should h.ve Schley changed the course of the flying fif F ceded with the utmost dispatch to vessel to the weatwarn and signaled thldAWh squadrofl received by Cienfuego and maintained .a close Bcbiey Destination Key' to and bia squadron, tpatcb Hawk the following 'blockade; that be should have endeavteusnder-in-cble- f: of Cuba, and Yuaide south via West, from the ored to bay obtained Information of memorandums ' I-catan channel, as soon aa collier la the Spanish there; (hat h should hav ready; speed, aloe knots. Dispatch No. 8).' proceeded to Saatiago with dispatch; the .The squadron proceeded westward that which eud (hat ha should not have mad the ret May 31, 198, at miles; stopped at 11:13 p. m. eighteen jrohably wax Xograde movement; that he should Spanish squadron lines of the collier having tow and', rrL.ri Codoro (the jhftrs obeyed the department'a orders; Haotisgo, botil 1:40 p. m. May drifted ported), he wMAatUft !thsl he should have endeavored to Schley, if It westward course for returned 27, was ieapturs tha Spanish 'v a aria n SantU Spanish squadron e bat twenty-thremiles, stopped again at to proceed with allifepab jftgof Uist he' 4ld not flo hia utmost to go, nntil 1 p. m. of drifted m. 7:13 and t- CuhaJ 4and to p, Kantia&j, destroy (be Colon; that h caused the eantlonsly, him la May 28,. It tb enemy Is there Module squadron to loss distance in tba loop of At 9:3p a. to. May 27, the Harvard that port th Brooklyn; that b thereby caused the' flying squadron, and her information After th tha of joined tb Ttxa to back; that ha did iajuatic Commodore receipt to commanding officer delivered to Comboh ley wroUsdupatcb to Bodgaoa; that bia conduct irtba he i ahieb modore Schley the following dispatch, eommander-in-chie! tb campaign was characterized by vacillatomor- dated May 23, addressed by the departmove ahall eiifd etated; l tion. diiatorlnesa, and lack of polar-pristo the ment to th Harvard at SL Nicholaa that hia efficlsl rvporUi on (ba row B slab wrote a iupsich 1 Key mole, Hayti: bate eomeieadaat of naval the eoal supply were misleading and lnae-ftnra-te; Proceed at once and inform 8chley which in Weal aisled: be that hla eooduct daring the and also th senior officer present off A It la found imprafll battle wss and that, ha All dethe Texa from the collier Santiago d Coba aa follow onnoaragad In hia own paraoa bta aub that indicate Information ebaJt there is ee much swell, I proceed partments drdlaat officers and men to fight de at atlll ia division Santiago At Cob, being Spanish - 1 - tomorrow off Santiago '? to looks yon embarrassed, however, by tbs Texas Cuba.' The department -a what short eoal supply and her ibliity to to ascertain facta; and that the enemy. deAdmiral Deway U hi report says eoal la the open sea, 1 shall not be If therein, does not leave without a with that the passage tQ Clenfuegoa . was able to remalfl familiar Cubans off that pvt oo account cisive action. ( made with all diapaleb, bating la ylew the general abort ecs! lupplj of tho Santiago de Cuba say that there la it the Importaaee of arriving off pteft miles squadron so will proceed to th t ldn landing place five aantical fnagea with as' much eoal aa Foul bia It of BL Nicholas Malt, where the from month of harbor, and that th Inin tha ships bunker; tha blockade of water la smooth and I mo eoal tho surgents probably will be found, and deafnegoe was effective; that he al- Texas and other eblpe with what may not 8paniah. - From the surrounding lowed the Adula to enter Clenfuegoa to remain in th collier heights nan ee every veaael in th pork. Al soon aa ascertained notify the department whether enemy la there. Could not squadron and alao Harvard frontJdaxrlmac, leeward onaivefl Hayti chanCrux Luba; Cape nel or Mole Hayti? Th department will tend coal 4 immediately to Molo Hayti Report wlthout delay situation at Santiago de Cuba." The dispatch wa answered by Commodore Schley about noon. May 27 aa follows: Received dispatch of May 28, delivered' by Harvard off Santiago de Cabs. Merrlmaci engine ia disabled and she is helplcaaf Am obliged to have her towed to Key Weak Have been absolutely unable to coal the Texas, Marblehead, Vixen and Brooklyn from collier, owing to very rough aeaa and boisterous weather since leaving Key West. Brooklyn ia the only one In squadron having more than sufficient coal to reach Key West, .Impossible to remain off Santiago in the present ataleof eoal on account Of squadron. Cap Not possible to coal leeward of sontb-yvest Crnain anramer owing to th wind. Harvard just report to me ah has ool v coal eoough to reach Jamaica, and ah will proceed to Port Royal; also report only small veaael could eoal at Gonaive or Mol Hayti. Minneapolis baa only coal enough to and the same of reach Key Tate, which will tow Merrimac. It ia to be regretted that the department orders cannot be obeyed earnestly we have ail atriven to that end. 1 am forced to return to Key Weet via Yucatan passage for coal. Can aacertain nothing intelligible of tha enemy. Sent ft Eagle to Port Antonion yesterday, on tona twenty-aevebaa aha only WINFIELD EC0TT SCIILET. board. Will leave SL Paul here. Will West. require 9,500 tona of coal at KeydiscovThe Spanish squadron was gat information; that, hi passage to No effort were made by C m modore ered to be In the entrance to Santiago Santiago was made with a much dis- Schley to communicate wit the la- harbor, steaming out about 9:30 a. .m. the Span-larb, 1899. patch a poMlble, keeping ;h squad- aurgeata to discover July, ron together; that the blockade Of Sam; Uhaquadron was ii, of Tha Brooklyn at that time was headto the westward of north, about rniog of ing tiago was effective, and finally that be t ie '. Vo prior t 8,300 yard S. W. J 8. from the Morro, .4 Was th Senior officer off Santiago, in which wa practically her blocking absolute command, sad entitled to the , hi nal light were d; pi ay 1 on shore position. . . harcreelt du1 for'lh glorious victory at night May S3 and lay but Large vessels coming out of th bead to were obliged bor of I Santiago which resulted in the total destruction modore Schely haul ao 8. W. by 8 ; and th Spanish veswhich enabled him to later ret .them. abouttherefore. of Hi Spanish ship.' -- l In steaming ont until sels, The Teaaa and MaH,lehe4( coaled at clear of the ahoal to the westward, " FINDING OF FACTS. ea, off Santiago, with co Hera, May were obliged to head directly for the When clear " The following facte were found'ty 27 Sod S3; fheMaaaacliuacLt and Vixen position of the Brooklyn.'vessels tamed the Spanish aboat of this id Iowa on la succession to the westward and the court of inquiry, upon which,the on May 39; the tlrooklyn two reports were bated:,, May 80; the Brooklja, Tc t a and Mar- took ft course nearly parallel to the Th flying squadron, constating of blehead on May I;. . , In view of the length of time which 13 3 Texaa At the Brooklyn, Massachusetts, p. w.. May 27, Commodore ha elapsed since th occuroence of th and Sccrplon, under the command of Schley. signaled 1 yhe h - Paul: If events of the Santiago campaign, th Commodore W. S. Schley, U, S. N.. Sampson comes her tell um half of court recommends that no further prosail ad from Kay West about 8 a. am, of squadron out of eoal an collier en. ceedings be bad in tb premise rtl.( of tho 8lUlr - Tk MINORITY FOR SCHLEY PORT FINDING lp) with ord department nod in chief of th North 1 to proceed with the off Cienfuego to capt May CCiiBTiOF ISQUHT CENSURES ADMIRAL SCHLEY ea. ' -- COALVILLE. UAJCHITT - , -- 'bt le e; cour-ftfftoua- ly, f imr rap. wt tet or i Corn-formati-on I NEWS SUMMARY. AflaS : Th marriege of Senator Channeey JI. Depew to Misa Palmer wilt take place at Nice, Fraooe, on Chriatmaa eve. Misa Ellen M. Stone, the captive American missionary, was recently near sen alive et Koprivenkolibl, ' Dnbnitza. - . In Washington Wednenday the Red Cross aooiety held ita annual meeting nU. Har4 Tb Senate Mnndey ratified the Isthmian eanal treaty by tbe decisive vote of 73 to 8. The vote was reached a few minute before I oclock, after almost an hoars discussion behind closed doors. There were ho aeDsalloosi incident daring the entire time. The debate was confined exclusively, to a. discussion of. tha merits of tbe egreement sod the policy 4 of Its provision. The principal speech of tb day waa made by Senator Teller in opposition to the treaty,- - and he waa followed in rapid success ion by twelve or fifteen other sea a tors, who apoke briefly either, for or against the motion, to ratify. - and unanimously - There we en exceptionally full Sen- ate when tba liuia arrived for bnt the eeitainty of ratification had become so apparent that there was comparatively little interest in tb The votes on the amendproceedinga ments offered by Culberson and Bacon Succeeded each other quickly, both being defeated; and tbe treaty waa then ratified. MEETING OF WYOMING INDUSTRIAL ladastvtat AHaln ef Ift State OlaeeasaB by a Laadlai A4vrtltan . Maa-PtaB- te The first Wyoming Industrial opened at Laramie, Wednesday. There Sr 130 delegates present representing every auction nod every Interest la thia state. Governor Richard ia "chairman and C G, Coutant, eoa-venti- on CCiNr opening address and th welcome for L was responded to editor of the B. B. Brook by p. Cheyaan 1 of Caspei Mention. Spicer ie. This C. Deming, ibune. Dr. a raiser of blooded stock, epok fin cattle Geolo-- ( breeding in Wyoming, gist Iteeier tpok ea T1 -- Mineral Besource of the 8tat-- V at we have; Whet W Hare Dona; V at We Must secretary. Whan th convention wa called to Do; L 3. Bartlett, Irc-Deposits of order Governor Richards mad the Wyoming; Georg A. I gle. Manu t--i jttt s n. A H 'ft I '4. L Miss Clara Barton president of tbe society. ,Three children of Tunis Pons, of Pompton Lake, N..Jjwer drowned Wednesday night while skatlog. The children were aged 16, 12 and 10 years. Tba Womens league at Manila hat received a cablegram to the effect that tha Filipino General Lnkban. la in Samar pleading for discontinuance oj hostilities. gome of the people of Draper hard taken a eland against tbe introduction of a saooon in their midat, and have brought the matter into the courts fon . L 7 .s' I: I'?: -J 'i'hf W " . f! i4 ' r . settlement. ' V 4 E. L. Powell, manager of the brokerage business of M urphy A Co. of New York, has disappeared from Wilson, N. , and it ia reported be ia 840,000 short in hia accounts. : i G-- Paetba Fro at Caaeer Eseaa Thai Trow All Coatactoas Pimm la Raw Jaraejr. That deaths hen cancer should ex- , The Democratic loader of the senate ceed the fatalities from all contagions have notified the Republicans that the i diseases in New Jersey,' Is a condition minority does not feel called upon to now puzzling the authorities of the provide committee, place for either state board of health. Th physicians Senator McLanrin or Senator Wellingoa tbe board are at a loss to understand ton. this peculiar discovery, which was only It is understood in Conaantinopl recently made, when the bureau of i & recommendations have been forthat vital statistics submitted ita annual iSs warded to Washington, proposing that a f "'-- . report to tb governor. be sent to Bulgaria, rean ultimatum It waa shown in the flgnrea therein release of MUs Stone by brig compiled that of the 1,444 case of diph- garding ends 298 and case of scarlet fever, theria, Captain Jamea Parker, who waa one 944 cases of typhoid, there were only Admiral Schleys counael before the of 613 deaths,' while from cancer (he death totalled 1,001. There were 823 court of quiry, la engaged In the cases of smallpox in the state last year, collection of material for a biography and (bis malady only resulted fatally of Admiral Schley which he proposes to write. In five Instances The bank of Stnrgia, Ky., waa robbed Civil Berrios rvaalBaat to of $33,000 between midnight and dawn , . , former la A Friday. The work was done quietly VI .William Dudley Fonlke, of Indiana, and nothing waa known about the robrecently appointed a member of tha bery nntil the bank waa opened for National Civil Service commission. In business. n apeech delivered at tb Civil Service Thomas Cody, charged with stealing . Reform meeting nt Boston Thursday thirteen bicycles from various parties . .. , night said: in Los Angeles, pleaded guilty in 'tha Nearly every applicant for office criminal coart and waa sentenced by now bases hla application, in part at I i Smith Friday to aerva ten years Judge te a that he statement tha least, npon In San Quentin. . P1 devoted adherent to the civil service closet Jn on tha tha law. That indicates an advance. It floored Lying hie own home in Denver, with hia ia because he has n leader.- -" Thar la a man who has the power dead body wedged against tbe floor. ' to handle eivll service in an almost Adam Oetter waa found by his aged automatic manner. That mao la tbe wife Friday. Ha had been missing foremost eivil sarvice reformer in line Monday evening.. ) America President Roosevelt." ' Tbe Boer atlll believe that European la imminent, that Grfat Intervention Farmers Or a a lav to ExterBritain ia tired of the war, and that minate Cvan, ' f - Cougars have multiplied ao fast ia they have oaly to hold ont long enough m order to make the British ao ftreary tbrnpper Niwqually valley, .Washing- that they will surrender. " ton, during tha past two years that It It baa become unsafe for persona to Boned, gagged and blindfolded,' tha travel through the woods alone after lead body of Edward Eichhorn, a Ger- - ' dnstr, or for ranchers to leave their nan farmer, wea found in bia late eattie in- - Any exposed place. - In tbe borne Thursday night three miles east calves and .outlying-distri, many f Dnqnoin, lows. Robbery la suphens have been carried away and de- posed to bare been the motive. voured by tba ferocious animals. Deer after a General have been almost entirely driven ont of sod march, surprised captured tight In th woods that section. Farmers whole of the Boer Beth-- tl are organiziag' a big hunt, 8 which practically the at Trichardsfontein early command they hope to exterminate several score Tuesday morning. Seven Boer wpre of oongars. killed and 131 were made prisoners. it s Mrs. MeKInleg Mag No Live Long. The police of Patterson, N. J.; have Relative of Mrs, McKinley have lit been asked to keep a lookout for a tle hope of her living long, according well dressed, refined looking woman to a statement made by Lieutenant who has been going about that city James McKinley, United 8tatea army, representing that ahe is authorized to a nephew of the late president Lien-tena- collect funds for the liberation of Misa . McKinley passed through Chi- Stone. ' cago Monday night in company with Carefully-compil- ed statistic of the General 8. B. M. Young, tha successor British published emplrg, by a trade of General Shatter, in command at the out tbe rather startling bring paper, Ran ' Francisco. Presidio, fact that ont of a population of nearly Contlnblng, the Lieutenant said; "400,000,000 about 48.880,000, or less My anutia Can too remain In about are of Rritisb birth or r than tbejiame condition that she waa In descent. after the funeral of tbe president. Jn Loe Angeles, Cal.,' articles of inThere baa been no Improvement and corporation of the Colorado Fuel' and there seem no hope of any, Iron company have been filed. Thie Ust Obsteel ta Wa; ef Acquiring Daalaft step was considered necessary because Wat ladles bamd, of the law governing foreign eorpora-tion- a . A a result of tbe negotiations that enacted at tha last session of the have been ia progress between Secre" ' legislature. Mr. and the Danish Hay bran, tary Lord Kitchener haa not had to wait Minister, tbe last obstacles of substance to the preparation of the treaty long for Aome remits from hia new of eeaalon whereby the United States plan of operations against General block-houswill become possessed of the Danish Botha, by constructing a line of He General baa had Bothas ' West Indian . Islands have been removed. , It la said that the points of force lneloaed in an area of 10,000 difference have been adjusted In a qftare miles. manner to insore (he acceptance of th Owing to objections being made to United France's tbe States senate. fnrniahlng the whole of the treaty by Tbe decision of the supreme court la projected Russian loan of 40,000,000, tbe Insular cases made easier the prep- financiers in the United States will aration of th treaty on satisfactory shortly be sounded as to tbe possibility lines. of placing . ?0, 000,000 of the losn that country. Ovegee Train WreeSer Confesses. Addison Kidd, . n negro, 8tnrday By a recent proclamation- - General made n confession before District At- Botha 'ordered the execution of kll torney Menefee that ha placed th ob- burgher enrolled with th Britk.h struction on tbe Oregon Railway A force aa scouts who might fall Into id Navigation Track, December' 6tb, near tha hands of th Boers. It i the Dal lee. Oregon, which resulted la that fifteen auch bnrghera have alwrecking the Portland-Chicaspecial ready been ahoL nd killing Engineer Kavansngh. Georg Vernon, a traveling violinist, Kidd, who has been held aa a witness, 1 onder arrest in Siskiyou county, stated that be alone placed tbe obon a charge of passing fraudustruction on the track. Tha eon fessioa Cal., and also waa secured after a searching lami- lent checks la Portland, Or., nation during which Ktdda cool nerve as being implicated In the robbery of broke down. a Southern Pacific train near Eugene ' oa October 23rd last. wiv .a . -- n-r- lw. . ' 1 ct Brace-Hamilto- n, P , nt ne-eig- es -- facture of Beet Sugar; C, R. Richard-oPresent Condition in Wyoming; Profeaor W. C. Knight, The Oils of Unde-v- e Wyoming; Colonel W. F. Cody, Carey loped Resource. poke on the The Wheatland Irriga-Uo- if System and Its Results, and made e very forcible address. A commute was appointed to make recommendation for a Wyoming exhibit at tha Louisans Purchase exposition in 1903. A large exhibit of state mineral and disagricultural production were conplayed during th meeting. The vention has been the largest atate masting eyer held In Wyoming, d irl go |