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Show UTAH STATU MOWS. I The hoard of direclore of the Sallalr j l.sthlng rcaort have decided that no liquors will Im aold at th resort the coming eeesun. I TheSalt Lekeclearlng house umlt. J tloo lest week adopted a resolution J U I nif congress to r.lehllah ig aa.ay J ejfnee at Sell Lake City. I The output of h Poller gray. ton I jnarry at Cnltnn Ihe pi.t season wa I 1 ever HO.OOO ton. -noslnf ths rook being f V shipped to ('at lorn la point J 1 Lehl he' received first etas fire I h.mpT apparatus, and Insurance " pCr now expected to go down. i" "v- ho report of the fl.h end iiiri war. lto of Huh county show that 113, noil " wee soini uy ma nili'rmrn f that count during tha paat year. 1 Thara ia a threatened scarcity ol lurkrya among tha commission mrn. Dna Hall Lake Ann liaa contracted fur 1.000 turkeyc for tha t hrlslmsa trade, i Koran Slmnnaen and Charles May, of Monroe, have hm arrested on a charge f setting on lira haystack belonging to Coos tan t Thoreson, of tha aaina plana. The eltliens of Tropic ara completing t reservoir which la aallinalcd to Irritate Irri-tate S,(n anrra three tlmea a year, and apart to Bt, tl rM,eM for nest season. Jo Doyle ami Pat (loggln, of Park, Pity, engaged In a light last Friday, Doyle using a pistol, shouting hla an-tegoulst an-tegoulst three tlmea, Inflicting painful fleah woonda. The clearing hnnar association of Snli Lake haa piuxl reaolutlona asking, Clah'e representative In Washington, to work for the abolition of war taiae relallnf to banka. ' " ' Tn board of president of canal omnanlea taking- water from Utah lake will memorlallia congress for an appropriation of il.ooo.oou to maUe a reservoir of Utah Lake. Dnrleg the paat season Hprlngvllle had 8.10 acrea of beet a planted which traa-ed alateen tone to the acre, and efspleloo had JM) acres, which averaged bout twelve tone per acre. i Garfield Beech will sol be opened Ihla sssaoo. The road to the besch la 1 a narrow gstigs, and there la not auf. j Boloat equipment to provide aallsfso- "ry tranaMrtatloo to the resort, " t --'WJ- H. Ji.terf, pe.,. ....). lor of the Knights of Pylhla of the 1 United metre, and one of the leading I eecret society nien In the world, flatted , Ball Lake lodges Saturday and Mouday, Alfred Moses, a am. Herman who re- Idea al Teylorarllle, waa crushed to death by a deat-endlmr eleralor at the lllRhland Hoy amelter. Friday of lnat week. He waa out completely In Iwa The lltdmond Iteaerrulr company of feeler count, la aiwndln I7,ooo In bull.llnir the dam of Itedumnd lake lilirher, eo thai Ita area will U trebled. The litter Creek KraerToIr company la alao making eatenalee linproeementa The price of flour In the Halt Lake market waa again Increased 10 write per hundredweight laal neck, the new Miedule making tha prlcea to dralere Ixaufor high patent, ( for alralghl trade and II. WO for the bakera' grade. The coal output of Huh reached tha klgheat point on rec-.rd leal month, the Utah fuel company, whlrh coulrola all the prluclpal uilnea 1u the atale, ahlp. plug l,ui.uuo tuua of coal. Tl.,ip. mmit. of eoke are alao aleadlly grow-lug. grow-lug. . The Irrigation companlra of Tan-fultch Tan-fultch and Circle .alleya, In (ia.H.ld ootinty, are working on a rnaereolr J which, when completed, will t one of the largrat In the aoulliero part of the tale. Ilia located at llaluhtowo, In 1 uarneiit county. I The augar factory at Npr'lugrllle haa eloaed lla eceaon after a aerenly-nlue daye' run. Ourlng thai time there hna been !t,lli7 Uina of beeU cut up, the mployea haee recelfed uver .,0()0 In wagca, while the farmrra will recelre (bum lit.sun fr llirlr lieeta. Frank Hhlli lllfr, a Ifl-year old hoy, waa conlote.l la. I ,.ek or having tired ! all"! which killed Mm Jan. Wllaou J ' Holiday, luat Juno, riliurtllfT and a 1 half doi. ii CMupaniou, o h, ' f aecurod a keg of Uer and were Intoal- rated when the ahooling occurred. The i b,' "ollng a target rltle, and U '"leluiedShurtllffdclllwralely aool 4 at the Vilon home twim, one of the j .hot, atrlklng Mr.. wil, n the oeck, i from the etTecta of which ahe died. " Kalgn. the Itf year-old Kelt Lake boy who ahot IV. 8. Ilaynea, a travel- (lag aaleamau, liaa lieeo held to the die. trlot court to anawer a chargeof auault with intent to commit murder. The Injured man la not yel out of danger, ' blood polaonlng being feared. Jeaae M. Hiullh, preahlenlof the rtah Wool . Urowera' aaaociatlon, haa re. turned from the meeting of lite Na-t Na-t Clonal MfeNUa-k aaaociatlon atChlc.igo and reiwrta a aucceoful uieellng and that the live atock eihihll at the etock JarJa waa the flueat ever held. i |